Queensland Globe / GeoResGlobe - Missing saved maps

Queensland Globe / GeoResGlobe - Missing saved maps


To resolve the issue, first try the following actions:

  • Ensure you are using the latest version of your web browser.

  • Clear the web browser’s cache. If you are unfamiliar with this process, you can locate instructions by web searching for “Clearing the cache for <INSERT YOUR WEB BROWSER NAME>”.

  • Try a different web browser. Different browsers and different versions/updates of those browsers can have varying compatibility with websites. For best results, we always recommend Google Chrome.

Common issues:

Sharing Globe accounts

The Queensland Globe/GeoResGlobe do not support multiple people using the same account. This will cause the application to work in unexpected ways and may lead to the permanent loss of maps.

Multiple accounts

If you have more than one account that you use with the Queensland Globe / GeoResGlobe, it's possible that your missing maps are saved under one of these additional accounts. Before you report a missing map, please check all your accounts. To avoid confusion we advise you to consolidate your maps into one account with these steps:

  • Log in to the account that you want to share from.

  • Share the map and copy the map URL

  • Log out of this account

  • Log into the Queensland Globe/GeoResGlobe account to which you want to consolidate your maps to

  • Paste the URL of the save map into your browser and select return

  • Save the map


If issues persist

Please fill in the online request form: Link and supply all the following information:

  • Attempted the troubleshooting steps: (Yes/No)

  • Your name:

  • Account type your maps are saved under: ( Twitter, Gmail, Facebook, ArcGIS Online, QGov, Lands )

  • Account email address:

  • Date when map was created or last accessed:

  • Missing map name:

  • (If relevant) Any details of any specific steps that would help us recreate the issue you are experiencing:

  • Device: (i.e. PC, Mac, Apple iPhone, Android Mobile ):

  • Operating system and version: ( i.e. Windows XP, Win 7 Win 10, Mac OS 10, IOS ): 

  • Web Browser: ( i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari ):

  • Contact phone number:


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