Common QTopo Mapping issues

Common QTopo Mapping issues


Viewing the mapping grid lines

The map sheet grid boundaries, names and numbers for all available map scales can be turned on /off within the Layer List.  By default, this layer is active. You may need to zoom in or out to view the 10K, 25K, 50K or 100K grids on the map view. The map grid lines you see on the standard and custom maps can’t be turned off in the map download or print, BUT they only appear thick and large relative to the screen size.

Map grid (latitude and longitude) lines appear black and too thick

On mobile phones especially the map grid lines can appear extremely fat relative to the map size on the screen. This is particularly true for larger scale (e.g. 1:100 000 scale https://apps.information.qld.gov.au/data/v2/QTopo/StaticMap/QTopo/100k/9543/pdf. ) The map grid lines can be turned off in the viewing screen, but this makes the standard map popups disappear, and you can’t select standard maps for printing and download.

When you actually print the map or view the download by zooming in - the line width will get smaller and less prominent relative to the map.

The difference between mountain peak and contour heights

The contours and peak data are from different datasets and created with different technology and methods. This has contributed to differences in the height information.

The updating and unification of this data is part of a larger project and will take a great deal of time to complete. The errors are in the process of being fixed, but it will take up to 3 months for applications that use this information to show the corrections.

1:10,000 scale is not available over my area

10K maps do not have full coverage over the state but are available in specific areas - generally the Eastern seaboard, national parks and population centres. The areas selected have been specified by the business group based on metrics from the most frequently downloaded 25K maps. A large proportion of these would have very little detail within the map in remote areas. In these instances, the 25K map provided would suffice.

Can you alter topographic maps for the visually impared users

Within the next 12 months the topographic mapping team plan to make changes to the basemaps that will allow them to create maps optimised for common colour blind / visually impaired spectrums. In the interim, you can view the topographic data via the Qld Globe where you have the ability to change colours and backgrounds for easier viewing.

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