Topographic data source

Topographic data source

Sources of Topographic data

Information on the sources of topographic data can be found on our website here: Digital topographic data. If you would like to view or download the spatial metadata you can search directly in the Queensland Spatial Catalogue - QSpatial here: link

Accuracy and Quality

QTopo has been compiled from the best information available to Queensland Government. The accuracy and reliability of this data is known to vary across different scales. It is planned for this information to improve as more accurate data is sourced. The accuracy of the maps is down somewhat to the accuracy (both spatial & temporal) of the data we use and we make no assertion that data on QTopo is absolutely complete or accurate. Where possible we try to use state-wide datasets that are maintained periodically. However, on some occasions we’ve chosen to use datasets that we know are not complete with the adage “any data is better than none”.

Why is there a difference in Globe and QTopo property names

QTopo uses the homestead data source Homesteads - Queensland, the one displayed on the globe is the rural property data source Rural Properties - Queensland – unfortunately, these datasets do not always agree with each other.

Where can I get a Great Walk or National Park topographic map

Six of the ten Great Walks of Queensland have brochures with topographic maps. Details of where to buy or download these maps can be found on the Department of Environments Great Walk topographic maps page.

Basemap currency

​The topographic basemap web service is updated quarterly in April and October (at this stage).

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