Check your maps! There's changes to vegetation mapping!

Check your maps! There's changes to vegetation mapping!

We wanted to let you know about important changes to vegetation mapping.

These updates improve the accuracy and reliability, giving *you* the power to make informed vegetation management decisions on your property.

The new maps include the most recent Queensland Herbarium scientific updates to the Regulated Vegetation Management Map, regional ecosystems, wetland, high-value regrowth and essential habitat mapping.

These changes do not affect areas shown as Category X on a Property Map of Assessable Vegetation (PMAV).

The key changes in this mapping release include updates to:

  • Category C areas (high value regrowth) largely due to more detailed mapping being undertaken in the Great Barrier Reef catchments; and

  • essential habitat mapping to incorporate newly listed protected species and updated species modelling.

The map updates were released on 8 September 2022 and incorporated PMAVs certified up until July 2022. The vegetation mapping will continue to be updated monthly to incorporate certified PMAVs.

Request a free vegetation map online to see if your property is affected by these changes and to ensure you are operating in accordance with vegetation management laws. You can also view the vegetation mapping through Queensland Globe.


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