Accessing Topographic Maps

Accessing Topographic Maps

How to accept the terms and conditions

If you cannot see the check box to accept the terms and conditions you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Reduce the text size on the browser being used, i.e. to 85%.

  2. Accept the terms and conditions

  3. Restore the text size to 100% 

Can topographic data be used by navigation apps

Using topographic data in GPS Applications


The avenza app for mobile devices has been provided with all of our topographic maps for use in their application.  Avenza allows users to plot their journey/track where they have been/walked and can be used offline.

Tile format for Backcountry Navigator

The imagery and topographic services use the standard Web Mercator tile format and hence support the {z}/{x}/{y} numbering. All our tiled services comply with the map tile numbering outlined. At present, QTopo's maximum zoom level is 15, the imagery is 19.

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