Queensland Globe Layers Catalogue
Version 1.0.64 - February 2025 - 1222 Layers represented.
For the majority of layers the webservice link has been provided below. This may not be available if the configured service is secured, a Globe specific service or if the layer references multiple services. Please note that [*] is a count of available sublayers rather than a reflection of the layer id.
3D Products
Reality Mesh [12]
Manly 2020
Townsville 2020
Ipswich 2019
Ipswich 2019 - high resolution
Ipswich 2019 - medium resolution
Sunshine Coast 2019
Brisbane 2018
Brisbane 2018 - high resolution
Brisbane 2018 - medium resolution
Brisbane CBD 2016
Cairns 1983
Mackay 1982
Toowoomba 1978
Brisbane CBD 1961
Biota (Flora & Fauna)
Aquatic conservation assessments - non-riverine [6]
Non-riverine bounding areas
Non-riverine study areas
Non-riverine subcatchments
Non-riverine subsections
Springs – conservation significance
Non-riverine wetlands – conservation significance
Aquatic conservation assessments - Riverine [6]
Riverine bounding areas
Riverine study areas
Riverine subcatchments
Riverine subsections
Buffered streams – conservation significance
Riverine spatial units – conservation significance
Biodiversity planning assessments [2]
Completed biodiversity planning assessment
Biodiversity significance
Biogeographic region
Biogeographic subregion
Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDE) [6]
Surface expression GDEs [3]
Surface GDE points (spring ecosystem)
Surface GDE lines
Surface GDE areas
Terrestrial GDE areas
Subterranean GDE areas (cave ecosystems)
Potential GDE aquifers
Nature conservation information [1]
Protected plants trigger map
Queensland wetlands mapping [3]
Wetland points
Wetland lines
Wetland areas
Regional ecosystem mapping [11]
Regional ecosystem (RE) mapping [4]
Biodiversity status - preclear
Biodiversity status - remnant
Landzone - preclear
Landzone - remnant
Broad vegetation groups (BVG) [6]
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:1 million
Remnant BVG - 1:1 million
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:2 million
Remnant BVG - 1:2 million
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:5 million
Remnant BVG - 1:5 million
High value regrowth
Sea turtle nesting area
Springs [3]
Active springs
Inactive springs
GAB spring net sites
Statewide biodiversity corridors [3]
Terrestrial corridor centrelines
Riparian corridor centrelines
Corridor buffers
Vegetation management information [30]
Vegetation management watercourse/drainage [2]
Vegetation management watercourse/drainage - 1:25,000
Vegetation management watercourse/drainage - 1:100,000 and 1:250,000
Vegetation management wetlands map
Essential habitat map
Regulated vegetation management map (RVM) [8]
RVM category A - vegetation offsets, compliance notices, VDecs
RVM category B - remnant vegetation
RVM category C - high-value regrowth vegetation
RVM category R - reef-regrowth watercourse vegetation
RVM category X - generally exempt from the Vegetation Management Act
RVM water RVM area not categorised
RVM - all
Vegetation management regional ecosystem and map labels
Vegetation management regional ecosystem and map [9]
Category A or B area containing endangered regional ecosystems
Category A or B area containing of concern regional ecosystems
Category A or B area that is least concern regional ecosystems
Category C or R area containing endangered regional ecosystems
Category C or R area containing of concern regional ecosystems
Category C or R area that is of least concern regional ecosystems
Vegetation management regional ecosystem - all
Property map of assessable vegetation (PMAV) [6]
PMAV category A
PMAV category B
PMAV category C
PMAV category R
PMAV category X
PMAV - all
Pre-clear regional ecosystems
Vegetation management coastal and non-coastal bioregions and sub-regions
WildNet [16]
Records published
All Animals
Animal classes [9]
Snails and slugs
Australian census data [5]
Statistical area level 4 (SA4)
Statistical area level 3 (SA3)
Statistical area level 2 (SA2)
Statistical area level 1 (SA1)
Mesh blocks
Commercial fishery reporting grids [2]
Commercial fishery 30 minute reporting grid
Commercial fishery 6 minute reporting grid
Cultural heritage [5]
Cultural heritage party boundary
Cultural heritage body boundary
Cultural heritage management plan
Cultural heritage designated landscape area
Cultural heritage study area boundary
Electoral [6]
Federal electorate
State electorate
Local government division
Local government division - Superseded
Brisbane City Council ward
Brisbane City Council ward - Superseded
Hospital and health services boundaries - Queensland Health
Local government
Map sheet boundaries [6]
1:250000 map sheet key map
1:100000 map sheet key map
1:50000 map sheet key map
1:25000 map sheet key map
1:10000 map sheet key map
1:5000 map sheet key map
Mining [10]
Blocks and sub-blocks [3]
Block identification map index
Mining blocks
Mining sub-blocks
Mining districts
Mining regions
Unavailable lands [1]
Fossicking areas
Constrained lands [4]
Restricted areas
Restricted area 384 - urban
Designated fossicking land
General permission areas
NSW Administrative boundaries [7]
Local government area
State electoral district
State forest
National parks
State border
State government departments internal districts and regions [2]
Transport and Main Roads district
Transport and Main Roads region
Australian tourism data warehouse [11]
Tourist attraction
Transport option
Tour option
Food and dining
Event location
Hire option
Short trip suggestion
Destination option
General service
Boreholes [11]
Coal bores
Core cutting or sidewall held bores
CSG bores
Gas or gas show bores
Greenhouse gas storage bores
Hylogged bores
Mineral bores
Oil or oil show bores
Petroleum bores
Stratigraphic bores
Water bores - Petroleum & Gas Act
Exploration permits [8]
Coal (epc)
Greenhouse gas (epq)
Geothermal (epg)
Mineral (epm)
Mineral development licence (mdl)
Offshore petroleum (oep)
Petroleum (epp)
Potential commercial area (pca)
Forestry [8]
Forest products DAF apiary site
Quarry reserve
Forest management unit (MUID)
Plantation licence area
Forest entitlement area
Forest consent area
Defined forest area
Historical exploration permits mineral (EPM) [7]
Historic EPM prior to 1961
Historic EPM 1961 to 1970
Historic EPM 1971 to 1980
Historic EPM 1981 to 1990
Historic EPM 1991 to 2000
Historic EPM 2001 to 2010
Historic EPM post 2010
Historical exploration permits coal (EPC) [6]
Historic EPC prior to 1971
Historic EPC 1971 to 1980
Historic EPC 1981 to 1990
Historic EPC 1991 to 2000
Historic EPC 2001 to 2010
Historic EPC after 2010
Historical exploration permits petroleum (EPP) [7]
Historic ATP prior to 1961
Historic ATP 1961 to 1970
Historic ATP 1971 to 1980
Historic ATP 1981 to 1990
Historic ATP 1991 to 2000
Historic ATP 2001 to 2010
Historic ATP after 2010
Historical EPG
Historical EPQ
Mineral development licence [2]
Historical MDL extent
Historical MDL access
Historical production permits [12]
Mining claim [2]
Historical MC extent
Historical MC access
Mining lease [3]
Historical ML extent
Historical ML surface area
Historical ML access
Mining lease - points [2]
Historical ML application
Historical ML granted
Mineral freehold selection - points [2]
Historical MFS application
Historical MFS granted
Historical geothermal lease
Historical greenhouse gas lease
Historical petroleum lease
Historical infrastructure permits [2]
Historical PPL centreline
Historical PFL
Historical permit administration areas [5]
Historical advertised area coal
Historical advertised area geothermal
Historical advertised area greenhouse gas
Historical advertised area mineral
Historical advertised area petroleum
Information permits [3]
Petroleum survey licences (psl)
Data acquisition authority (daa)
Nominated areas - coal
Infrastructure permits [3]
Petroleum facilities licences (pfl)
Petroleum pipeline licence areas (ppla)
Petroleum pipeline licence centrelines (ppl)
Land valuations [5]
Freehold land valuation (fhv)
State land rental valuation (lhv)
Mining lease valuation (mlv)
Petroleum lease valuation (plv)
Permit administration areas [11]
Moratorium areas mineral
Advertised area [10]
Advertised area geothermal
Advertised area greenhouse gas
Advertised area petroleum
Advertised area coal
Advertised area mineral
Proposed advertised area petroleum
Proposed advertised area coal
Proposed advertised area mineral
Proposed advertised area geothermal
Proposed advertised area greenhouse gas
Production permits [5]
Greenhouse leases (ql)
Geothermal leases (gl)
Mining claims (mc)
Mining leases (ml)
Petroleum leases (pl)
Resources [19]
Coal resources [8]
Coal mine
Coal mine (Care and Maintenance)
Historical coal workings
Advanced coal project
Coal project
Coal occurrence
Coal resource boundary
Coal resource area
Extractive resources (KRA) [5]
KRA transport route
KRA haulage corridor
KRA transport route separation area
KRA resource/processing area
KRA separation area
Mines and mineral resources (MINOCC) [5]
Mines and mineral occurrences by status
Mines and mineral occurrence by commodity [4]
Historical workings
Care & maintenance
Mineral occurrences
Operating mines
Petroleum resource site
Contours LIDAR 1m
Elevation project extents [4]
Qld elevation data extents
Qld LiDAR tile footprints
Qld LiDAR project extents
Qld non-LiDAR project extents
Hillshade traditional
Hillshade multidirectional
Mountains and ranges [2]
Coordinated conservation area
Environmental authority locations
Fire scar mapping Queensland [38]
Fire scar mapping Queensland - current
2023 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2022 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2021 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2020 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2019 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2018 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2017 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2016 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2015 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2014 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2013 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2012 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2011 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2010 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2009 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2008 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2007 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2006 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2005 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2004 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2003 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2002 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2001 Fire scar mapping Queensland
2000 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1999 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1998 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1997 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1996 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1995 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1994 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1993 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1992 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1991 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1990 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1989 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1988 Fire scar mapping Queensland
1987 Fire scar mapping Queensland
Fish habitat area
Instream structure - fish habitat area
Koala plan [15]
Koala priority area
Koala habitat areas [2]
Core koala habitat area
Locally refined koala habitat area
Koala habitat restoration area
Identified koala broad-hectare areas
State government supported infrastructure - Koala Conservation Policy [4]
South East Queensland koala protection area
South East Queensland koala habitat values (former - for KCP only) [3]
Bushland habitat (SEQKPA)
Suitable for rehabilitation (SEQKPA)
Other areas of value (SEQKPA)
(Superseded) Former koala regulatory provisions [5]
(Superseded) Koala assessable development area (KADA)
(Superseded) Priority koala assessable development area (PKADA)
(Superseded) Map of koala habitat areas [3]
(Superseded) Bushland habitat (SPRP)
(Superseded) Suitable for rehabilitation (SPRP)
(Superseded) Other areas of value (SPRP)
Koala district
Marine parks [6]
Marine park zoning [5]
Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park zones
Great Sandy Marine Park designated areas
Great Sandy Marine Park zones
Moreton Bay Marine Park designated areas
Moreton Bay Marine Park zones
Artificial reef sites
Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) [22]
MSES conservation areas [7]
MSES protected area (estates)
MSES protected area (nature refuges)
MSES marine park (highly protected)
MSES declared fish habitat (A and B areas)
MSES legally secured offset area (offset register)
MSES legally secured offset area (vegetation offsets)
MSES wetland values [5]
MSES regulated vegetation (defined watercourse)
MSES declared high ecological value waters (watercourse)
MSES declared high ecological value waters (wetland)
MSES high ecological significance wetlands
MSES strategic environmental area (designated precinct)
MSES wildlife habitat [5]
MSES wildlife habitat (endangered or vulnerable)
MSES wildlife habitat (special least concern animal)
MSES wildlife habitat (SEQ koala habitat - core)
MSES wildlife habitat (SEQ koala habitat - locally refined)
MSES wildlife habitat (sea turtle nesting areas)
MSES vegetation and habitat [5]
MSES regulated vegetation (category B - endangered or of concern)
MSES regulated vegetation (category C - endangered or of concern)
MSES regulated vegetation (category R - GBR riverine)
MSES regulated vegetation (essential habitat)
MSES regulated vegetation (100m from wetland)
Natural resource management (NRM) investment programs [32]
NRM regional boundaries
Sustainable agriculture (SA) [11]
Burnett Mary regional group (SA)
Cape York NRM (SA)
Condamine alliance (SA)
Fitzroy basin association (SA)
Northern Gulf resource management (SA)
North Queensland dry tropics (SA)
Queensland Murray-Darling committee (SA)
Reef catchments (SA)
SEQ catchments (SA)
South West NRM (SA)
Terrain NRM (SA)
Water quality (WQ) [8]
Burnett Mary regional group (WQ)
Condamine alliance (WQ)
Desert Channels Queensland (WQ)
Fitzroy basin association (WQ)
North Queensland dry tropics (WQ)
Queensland Murray-Darling committee (WQ)
Reef catchments (WQ)
Terrain NRM (WQ)
Weeds and pests (WP) [12]
Burnett Mary regional group (WP)
Cape York NRM (WP)
Condamine alliance (WP)
Desert Channels Queensland (WP)
Fitzroy basin association (WP)
North Queensland dry tropics (WP)
Queensland Murray-Darling committee (WP)
Reef catchments (WP)
SEQ catchments (WP)
Southern Gulf (WP)
Terrain NRM (WP)
Torres Strait regional authority (WP)
Nature refuge
Parks [10]
Protected area roads [2]
Road warning
Protected tracks and trails [6]
Track or trail warning
Walking track
Great walk
Horse trail
Mountain bike trail
Trail bike trail
Special Management Area - Forestry
Protected areas and forests
Special wildlife reserve
State-wide landcover and trees study (SLATS) SENTINEL-2 series [5]
SLATS 2021-2022 woody vegetation change
SLATS 2020-2021 woody vegetation change
SLATS 2019-2020 woody vegetation change
SLATS 2018-2019 woody vegetation clearing
SLATS 2022 woody vegetation extent
State-wide landcover and trees study (SLATS) LANDSAT series [23]
SLATS 2017-2018
SLATS 2016-2017
SLATS 2015-2016
SLATS 2014-2015
SLATS 2013-2014
SLATS 2012-2013
SLATS 2011-2012
SLATS 2010-2011
SLATS 2009-2010
SLATS 2008-2009
SLATS 2007-2008
SLATS 2006-2007
SLATS 2005-2006
SLATS 2004-2005
SLATS 2003-2004
SLATS 2002-2003
SLATS 2001-2002
SLATS 2000-2001
SLATS 1999-2000
SLATS 1997-1999
SLATS 1995-1997
SLATS 1991-1995
SLATS 1988-1991
Surat cumulative management area (CMA) [13]
Surat cumulative management area
Previously identified immediately affected bores
Immediately affected bores
Long-term affected bores
UWIR monitoring network
Immediately affected area contours
Long-term affected area contours
Bandanna Formation production commencement
Bandanna Formation production cessation
Cattle Creek Formation production commencement
Cattle Creek Formation production cessation
Walloon Coal Measures production commencement
Walloon Coal Measures production cessation
Waste levy zone
Water and wetland biodiversity [4]
Environmental Protection Policy environmental value zone
Environmental Protection Policy management intent
Environmental Protection Policy schedule outline
Environmental Protection Policy water type
Waterways [2]
Qld waterways for waterway barrier works
Qld waterways for waterway barrier works (Tidal)
Wetland protection area [2]
Wetlands of high ecological significance
Trigger area
World heritage areas of Queensland
Events & Incidents
Active cyclone event [3]
Active cyclone event path
Active cyclone event zones
Active cyclone event wind areas
Basin level flood modelling [1]
Rapid Hazard Assessment
Historic flood imagery [9]
Flood imagery 2010/2011
2012 Flood Imagery [8]
Floods 2012 imagery Bollon
Floods 2012 imagery St George
Floods 2012 imagery Roma
Floods 2012 imagery Charleville
Floods 2012 imagery Mitchell
Floods 2012 imagery Thallon
Floods 2012 imagery Dirranbandi
Floods 2012 imagery Mungindi
Agriculture [17]
Cotton gins
Sugar mills
Dairy production
Dairy processing
Egg production
Egg processing
Meat transport
Meat cold storage
Meat production
Meat processing
Poultry farms
Sheep feedlots
Cattle feedlots
Important agricultural areas [1]
Agricultural land audit regions [1]
Agricultural land classification (ALC) [2]
Agricultural land class A, B, C and D
Agricultural land class A and B
Biosecurity information [136]
Barrier fences [4]
Wild dog barrier fence
Wild dog check fence
Rabbit fence
Darling Downs Moreton rabbit district
Biosecurity zones [11]
Asian Honey Bee known infested area
Banana pest
Far Northern pests
Grape phylloxera
Papaya ringspot
Sugar cane pest
Fire ant
Electric ant [2]
Electric ant restricted zone
Electric ant biosecurity zone
Cattle tick [2]
Cattle tick line
Cattle tick area
Weeds [120]
Weed distribution ˅ [120]
Grazing land management [2]
Grazing land management regions
Grazing land management types
Soil conservation plans [9]
Affected property
Non-statutory plans
Project plans
Property plans
Upper Condamine floodplain plans [5]
Workshop identified concern points
Natural flowlines
1996 flood flowlines
Floodplain contours
Project areas
Stock routes [3]
Active travel permits
Active grazing permits
Stock routes
Stock routes reserves
Travelling stock facilities
Strategic cropping land (SCL) [4]
SCL zone boundaries
SCL trigger map
Sub zones for strategic cropping land [2]
Coastal Queensland
Western cropping
Geoscientific information
Soils [31]
Soil mapping sites [2]
Soil sites
Soil carbon sites
Best available soil and land resource mapping
Best available polygon mapping
Australian soil classification (ASC)
Soil mapping [7]
Soils - 1:10,000 scale
Soils - 1:25,000 scale
Soils - 1:50,000 scale
Soils - 1:100,000 scale
Soils - 1:250,000 scale
Soils - 1:1,000,000 scale
Atlas of Australia soils Queensland - 1:2 000 000
Land management manual mapping
Other land resource mapping [4]
Other land resource mapping - better than 1:250 000 scale
Other land resource mapping - 1:250 000 scale
Other land resource mapping - 1:500 000 scale
Other land resource mapping - 1:1 000 000 scale
Land degradation [15]
Acid sulfate soils mapping [4]
Acid sulfate soils - 1:25 000 scale
Acid sulfate soils - 1:50 000 scale
Acid sulfate soils - 1:100 000 scale
Acid sulfate soils - National scale
Erosion [11]
Gully erosion sites
Gully and channel erosion density
Gully and channel erosion presence [6]
Burdekin region
Burnett Mary region
Cape York region
Fitzroy region
Mackay Whitsunday
Wet tropics
Land degradation mapping [3]
Land degradation mapping - landslips
Land degradation mapping - gullies
Land degradation mapping polygons
Geology [67]
Field sites
Primary structures
Tectonic structures
Fossil sites
Isotopic dating sites
Other structural measurements
Detailed 1:100k [15]
Detailed structure [11]
Detailed geological boundaries
Detailed faults and shear zones
Detailed folds
Detailed dykes veins or sills
Detailed markers marker beds or marker bands
Detailed lineaments
Detailed joints and fractures
Detailed trends and dips
Detailed volcanic features
Detailed other natural features
Detailed other features
Detailed surface geology extent
Detailed surface geology
Detailed solid geology extent
Detailed solid geology
Regional 1:500k 1:1m [42]
Regional geology extent [14]
Regional Bowen basin extent
Regional Burdekin river extent
Regional Cape York peninsula extent
Regional Carpentaria-Karumba basins extent
Regional Central Eromanga basin extent
Regional Georgina basin extent
Regional Hodgkinson-Laura basins extent
Regional Moreton region extent
Regional Mount Isa inlier extent
Regional Northern Eromanga basin extent
Regional Northwestern Eromanga basin extent
Regional Surat basin extent
Regional Torres Strait extent
Regional Townsville hinterland extent
Regional Bowen basin structure
Regional Bowen basin solid geology
Regional Burdekin river structure
Regional Burdekin river surface geology
Regional Cape York peninsula structure
Regional Cape York peninsula surface geology
Regional Carpentaria-Karumba basins structure
Regional Carpentaria-Karumba basins surface geology
Regional Central Eromanga basin structure
Regional Central Eromanga basin surface geology
Regional Georgina basin structure
Regional Georgina basin surface geology
Regional Hodgkinson-Laura basins structure
Regional Hodgkinson-Laura basins surface geology
Regional Moreton region structure
Regional Moreton region surface geology
Regional Mount Isa inlier structure
Regional Mount Isa inlier surface geology
Regional Northern Eromanga basin structure
Regional Northern Eromanga basin surface geology
Regional Northwestern Eromanga basin structure
Regional Northwestern Eromanga basin surface geology
Regional Surat basin structure
Regional Surat basin surface geology
Regional Torres Strait structure
Regional Torres Strait surface geology
Regional Townsville hinterland structure
Regional Townsville hinterland surface geology
State 1:2m [4]
State structure [3]
State geological boundaries
State faults
State folds
State surface geology
Geophysics [18]
Airborne geophysical survey [6]
Airborne exploration survey - available
Airborne exploration survey - unavailable
Airborne open range survey
Airborne multi-client survey
Airborne state survey
Airborne federal survey
Gravity survey [3]
Gravity base station
Gravity data station
Regional gravity survey
Hyperspectral survey
Magnetotelluric survey
Seismic survey [4]
Seismic survey 2D
Seismic survey 3D
Seismic survey deep
Seismic survey C horizon
Gravity image
Magnetic image
Radiometric image
Structural framework [84]
Structural framework all
Structural framework by age or orogen [83]
Jurassic-Cretaceous basins ˅ [10]
Triassic basins ˅ [6]
Permian-Triassic basins ˅ [9]
Devonian-Carboniferous basins ˅ [10]
Centalian superbasins ˅ [1]
Basins of unknown age ˅ [2]
New England orogen ˅ [24]
Mosman orogen ˅ [5]
Thomson orogen ˅ [9]
Proterozoic provinces ˅ [7]
Imagery & Base maps
Historical printed maps [39]
Cadastral early coastal maps [8]
Cadastral 6 chain McKellar series
Cadastral 8 chain Brisbane series
Cadastral 40 chain Moreton AG2 series
Cadastral 2 mile coastal series
Cadastral 20 chain series
Cadastral 40 chain series
Cadastral various scales Brisbane maps
Cadastral various scales Moreton maps
Cadastral early detailed maps [2]
Cadastral 2 mile series
Cadastral 4 mile series
Cadastral parish county town and environs maps [4]
Parish maps
County maps
Town maps
Environs maps
Cadastral early large coverage maps [2]
Cadastral 12 mile series
Cadastral 16 mile series
Cadastral standard maps [8]
Cadastral 2500 series
Cadastral 3000 series
Cadastral 5000 series
Cadastral 10000 series
Cadastral 25000 series
Cadastral 50000 series
Cadastral 100000 series
Cadastral 250000 series
Contour early detailed maps [5]
Topographic 6 chain Gympie series
Topographic 20 chain Brisbane series
Topographic 1 mile military series
Topographic 2 mile military map
Topographic 4 mile military series
Contour standard maps [5]
Topographic 10000 Ipswich series
Topographic 25000 series
Topographic 31680 series
Topographic 50000 series
Topographic 100000 south east Queensland series
Contour and image standard maps [4]
Topographic contour and image 2500 series
Topographic contour and image 5000 series
Topographic contour and image 10000 series
Topographic contour and image 25000 series
Themed maps [6]
Flood maps
Exploration maps
Tourist maps
State maps
Land sales maps
Miscellaneous maps
McKellar’s map series 1895
Queensland satellite imagery [3]
Planet (Jul - Sept 2017)
Planet latest monthly basemap (GBR Catchments)
Planet 2024 basemap (Statewide)
New South Wales imagery
New South Wales imagery dates
New South Wales topographic maps
Queensland basemap blue
Queensland basemap colour
Queensland basemap dark grey
Queensland basemap grey
Queensland basemap lite
Queensland basemap monochrome
Queensland basemap pastel
Queensland basemap relief
Queensland topographic map
World basemap grey
Inland waters
Drainage boundaries [4]
Drainage divisions
Drainage basins
Drainage basin sub-area
Great Barrier Reef catchment boundaries
Water feature [6]
Farm dam
Pool or rockhole
Flat or swamp
Pondage area
Watercourse stream order
Flood lines [12]
Historic flood events [9]
1974 Floodline Brisbane and Bremer Rivers
2010 Floodline Bundaberg
2011 Floodline Queensland towns - January
2011 Floodline Queensland towns - April
2012 Floodline SW Queensland towns
2013 Floodline Bundaberg
2017 Floodline Fitzroy river
2017 Floodline Logan and Albert rivers
2019 Floodline Western Queensland
Referable dam inundation maps [3]
Sunny day failure - referable dam
Probable max flood without a dam failure - referable dam
Probable max flood with a dam failure - referable dam
Groundwater [9]
Registered water bores (DRDMW and private)
Groundwater monitoring [8]
Current water level water monitoring bores
Past water monitoring and investigation bores
Water monitoring bores with near real time data
All mine monitoring water bores (DNRM and private)
Mine monitoring water bores with water levels (DRDMW and private)
CSG monitoring [3]
Surat CMA underground water impact report monitoring bores (DRDMW and private)
CSG online monitoring bores (DRDMW and private)
CSG net monitoring bores (private)
Surface water monitoring [2]
Open gauging stations
Closed gauging stations
Queensland bulk water opportunities [2]
Dams, weirs and barrages (related to bulk water supply)
Bulk Water Supply Schemes and Town Water Systems
Water management information [77]
Watercourse identification map (water act 2000) [6]
Spring (defined by Water Act 2000)
Lake (defined by Water Act 2000)
Downstream Limit (defined by Water Act 2000)
Watercourse (defined by Water Act 2000)
Drainage features (defined by Water Act 2000)
Water plans and other items [71]
Water plan areas [2]
Water plan areas except GABORA
Water plan area Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers (GABORA)
Water plans except GABORA [26]
Water supply scheme trading zone limits
Water supply scheme trading zones
Water supply scheme underground water trading zones
Water supply schemes
Surface water management area trading zone limits
Surface water management area trading zones
Surface water management areas
Water licence seasonal water assignment zones
Water plan water licence zone limits
Water plan water licence zone
Water licence relocation zone limits
Water licence relocation zones
Underground water management area trading zones
Underground water management area trading zone groups
Underground water management area domestic areas
Underground water management watercourse buffer zones
Underground water management area sub-areas
Underground water management area notification areas
Underground water management areas
Overland flow areas
Waterholes and lakes
Prescribed and protected watercourses
Water plan watercourse areas
Seawater intrusion zones
Water plan GABORA [23]
Groundwater dependent ecosystem springs
Groundwater dependent ecosystem watercourses
Groundwater dependent ecosystem areas
Bore corrosion areas
GABORA zones [3]
Hutton zone
Precipice zone
Springbok Walloon zone
GABORA units and sub-areas [16]
Betts Creek beds
Bulimba Formation
Laura Gilbert River equivalents
Laura Rolling Downs
Mulgildie North Hutton
Rolling Downs
Springbok Walloon
Winton Mackunda
Wyaaba beds
Draft water plan nodes
Draft water plan significant watercourse reach limits
Draft water plan significant watercourse reaches
Draft underground water management areas
Draft catchments and subcatchments
Moratorium areas
Water sharing rules areas
Seasonal water assignment areas
Declared underground water areas
River improvement trust areas
Water authority areas
Bore water areas
Drainage areas
Map labels
New South Wales points of interest
New South Wales survey marks
Population centres
Property names
Survey control [9]
CORS sites
Survey control marks [8]
GDA coordinates [3]
GDA datum
GDA derived
GDA scaled
Australian Height Datum (AHD) heights [3]
AHD datum
AHD derived by levelling
AHD derived by other
Cadastral connection
Highest astronomical tide
Marine infrastructure [3]
Lighthouses and locks
Breakwaters, groynes and sea walls
Marinas and wharf areas
Reefs and shoals
Planning cadastre
Areas host to fisheries resources
Areas of regional interest [4]
Priority Living Area
Priority Agricultural Area
Strategic Environmental Area
Strategic Cropping Area
Aquaculture development areas
Coastal management [7]
Coastal building line
Coastal management district
Erosion prone area [3]
Component 1 - 40m buffer from highest astronomical tide
Component 2 - calculated erosion distance
Component 3 - sea level rise
Storm tide [2]
High hazard area
Medium hazard area
Coordinated projects - The Coordinator General
Infrastructure designation (ID)
Land use
Land use - Great Barrier Reef catchment
Land parcels [6]
Road parcel
Land parcel label
Land parcel
Land parcel positional accuracy
Rights and interests [3]
Easement parcel
Strata parcel
Volumetric parcel
Land parcel tenure
Lease and reserve parcel
New South Wales cadastre [8]
NSW cadastre labels [3]
Plan extent labels
Section extent labels
Lot labels
NSW cadastre extents [5]
Large rural plan extent
Rural plan extent
Section extent
Plan extent
Lot extent
Regional planning [21]
Regional planning boundaries
South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 (ShapingSEQ 2023) [9]
SEQ regional biodiversity corridor - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ development area - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ northern inter urban break - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ major enterprise and industrial area - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ significant tourist activity area - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ regionally significant scenic amenity - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ regionally significant greenspace - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ regional biodiversity value - ShapingSEQ 2023
SEQ regional land use category - ShapingSEQ 2023
Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031
Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (MIW) Regional Plan [2]
Development areas - MIW Regional Plan
Regional land use category - MIW Regional Plan
North Queensland Regional Plan 2020 [4]
Regional biodiversity corridor - NQ Regional Plan 2020
Townsville urban area - NQ Regional Plan 2020
Renewable energy investigation area - NQ Regional Plan 2020
Regional biodiversity value - NQ Regional Plan 2020
Wide Bay Burnett (WBB) Regional Plan [4]
Regional biodiversity corridor - WBB Regional Plan
Dark sky area - WBB Regional Plan
Priority agricultural expansion area - WBB Regional Plan
Agroforestry / reforestation area - WBB Regional Plan
Priority development areas
Residential land supply
State development areas [12]
State development areas
State development areas precincts [11]
Abbot Point state development area precincts
Bromelton state development area precincts
Bundaberg state development area precincts
Cairns South state development area precincts
Callide infrastructure corridor state development area (boundary)
Gallilee Basin state development area precincts
Gladstone state development area precincts
Stanwell to Gladstone infrastructure corridor state development area (boundary)
Surat Basin infrastructure corridor state development area (boundary)
Townsville development area precincts
Tropical North state development area boundary
Wet Tropics of Queensland world heritage area
Heritage register
Indigenous land interests [4]
Declared not-transferable land
National Park type
Inalienable freehold land
Transferable land
National Native Title Tribunal [10]
Registered native title bodies corporate
Future act determination applications
Future act objections
Future act notices current
Indigenous land use agreements
Native title determination outcomes
Native title determinations
Register of native title claims
Schedule of native title determination applications
Representative Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Body (RATSIB) areas
Native Title research and assessment [3]
Schools and school catchments [9]
Primary state schools
Junior secondary state schools
Senior secondary state schools
Miscellaneous secondary state schools
Special state schools
Non-government schools
Primary state school catchments
Junior secondary school catchments
Senior secondary school catchments
Building footprints 2D
Building footprints 3D
Fuel station locations
Historical title works approvals [2]
Permits under the Harbours Act 1995 (point data)
Permits under the Harbours Act 1995 (line data)
Active transport plans [2]
Principal cycle network plan
Walking network plan routes
Airports and heliports
Heavy vehicle routes and restrictions [23]
B Double 23 metre [3]
B Double 23 metre
B Double 23 metre Opp Area
B Double 23 metre Restrictions
B Double 25/26 metre (PBS Level 2A) [3]
B Double 25/26 metre (PBS Level 2A)
B Double 25/26 metre (PBS Level 2A) Opp Area
B Double 25/26 metre (PBS Level 2A) Restrictions
Type 1 Road Train (PBS Level 3A) [3]
Type 1 Road Train (PBS Level 3A)
Type 1 Road Train (PBS Level 3A) Opp Area
Type 1 Road Train (PBS Level 3A) Restrictions
Type 2 Road Train (PBS Level 4A) [3]
Type 2 Road Train (PBS Level 4A)
Type 2 Road Train (PBS Level 4A) Opp Area
Type 2 Road Train (PBS Level 4A) Restrictions
Higher mass limits (HML) [2]
High Mass Limit
High Mass Limit Restriction
One Tonne Mass Transfer (1TMT) [2]
1 Tonne Mass Transfer
1 Tonne MT Restriction
PBS Level 2B [2]
PBS Level 2B
PBS Level 2B restriction
Critical roads network [5]
Critical roads
Critical roads restriction
Major roads
Major roads restriction
Critical area
Notified no standing passenger road
Operational boat facilities - facility type
Railway stations [4]
Railway station
Railway station - under construction
Railway station - proposed
Railway station - siding
Railway [5]
Railway - detailed
Railway - under construction
Railway - proposed
Railway tunnel
Road and rail
Roads and tracks
Road crash locations [5]
Crash fatal
Crash hospitalisation
Crash medical treatment
Crash minor injury
Crash property damage
Roadside amenities
State controlled roads [5]
State controlled bridge
State controlled road culverts
State controlled road 1km mark labels
State controlled road 1km mark
State controlled road
State controlled traffic camera
Taxi contract areas
Temporary traffic management road categories
Tow truck regulated areas
Traffic census [11]
Average annual daily traffic 2010
Average annual daily traffic 2011
Average annual daily traffic 2012
Average annual daily traffic 2013
Average annual daily traffic 2014
Average annual daily traffic 2015
Average annual daily traffic 2016
Average annual daily traffic 2017
Average annual daily traffic 2018
Average annual daily traffic 2019
Average annual daily traffic 2020
Public transport stops (translink) [4]
Bus stop
Ferry terminal
Train station
Tram stops
Utilities and communication
Energy Infrastructure [2]
Cathodic protection transformer rectifier units
Cathodic protection test points
Renewable energy sites [3]
Renewable energy sites - existing
Renewable energy sites - under construction
Renewable energy sites - proposed