Queensland Government Globes layer publishing guide

Queensland Government Globes layer publishing guide

The Globe layer publishing guide covers the steps from registering and updating datasets, building a web service, and integration with the Queensland Globe and/or GeoResGlobe. We are in the process of combining this into one form. This is an interim process. Thanks for your patience.

  1. Submit a Globes layer request to add, update or remove a layer.

  2. Await approval from the Data Custodian or delegate.

  3. Confirm Data is in SirPub UAT
    Verify if the data is in SirPub UAT in the correct schema.
    If not, submit an ELT Jira Request.

  4. Identify Impacted Services or Applications
    Use SIR CMDB to identify any other services or apps that may be affected by this change and notify the relevant owners.

  5. Request Mapx File Checkout
    Submit a Publish Data request form to check out the mapx file for the service that needs to be updated.

  6. Add New Layer to Mapx File

    1. Add the new layer to the mapx file(s) and source the data from SirPub_UAT.

    2. Make sure LayerIDs remain unchanged when adding the new layer (see the Publishing pages).

    3. Check and update if required the Description, keywords, credit text etc. in the layer properties for the new layer and all other layers.

  7. Return Mapx File for Publishing
    Save your map as a .mapx file (in ArcGIS Pro -> Share -> Map File)
    Submit the updated mapx file to the SIR team using the same Publish Data request form, and request it be published to Spatial Portal UAT.

  8. Request UAT Service Configuration in Globe UAT
    Ask the Globe team to configure the UAT service using the Globe layer request Jira ticket submitted in step 1.

  9. Await UAT Publication Confirmation
    Wait for confirmation that the data has been published to UAT.

  10. Test the UAT Service
    Test the UAT service and get stakeholders to test and sign off.

  11. Request Production Publishing
    If UAT testing is successful, request to publish to Production via the Publish Data request form.
    Note: Ensure the data is in Production before requesting this. If not, log an ETL request.

  12. Schedule Globe Layer for Production
    Once a Production publish time is set, ask the Globe team to configure the layer for Production using the Globe layer request Jira ticket submitted in step 1.

  13. Update Metadata in QSpatial publisher portal

    1. Create or update the service metadata record and ensure all service type url's are correct and working correctly, see: Instructions for updating QSpatial Metadata.

    2. If you need help, log a request with the Discovery team here: Discovery Jira.

  14. Communicate the Change to Users
    Use the SIR Enablers Chat and relevant stakeholder newsletters to inform users about the change.
    Spatial Information will include any updates in the Globe eNewsletter and QSpatial publishers.
    For help with communication channels, contact opendata@resources.qld.gov.au.

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