Troubleshooting - Grey map window

Troubleshooting - Grey map window

If you are viewing a grey map window in either the Queensland Globe or GeoResGlobe, please contact your IT support/network manager. The Globe layers draw their information from web services. It is possible that the network is blocking the application from accessing these external services. Your IT Support should be able to allow access to these services for the Queensland Globe or GeoResGlobe

If issues persist, please fill in this online request form (Link) and supply the following information:

  • Screenshots of the issue:

  • (If relevant) Any details of any specific steps that would help us recreate the issue you are experiencing:

  • Contact phone number:

  • (If relevant) Any details of any specific steps that would help us recreate the issue you are experiencing:

  • Device: (i.e. PC, Mac, Apple iPhone, Android Mobile ):

  • Operating system and version: ( i.e. Windows XP, Win 7 Win 10, Mac OS 10, IOS ): 

  • Web Browser: ( i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari ):

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