Historical tidal works approvals

Historical tidal works approvals

The Queensland Globe can display limited information on Historical works tidal approvals permits:

To access this information follow these steps:

  1. Select Layers and then Add Layers:

2. Enter “tidal works” in the search field and press return. Select the box next to the Historical works tidal approvals layer to make this data visible in the main window:

3. To access information permit information select the blue Toolbox icon at the top right of the application window:

4. Select the Identify tool and then Identify Point:

5. Select the Permit of interest (orange triangle). Select the search result displayed on the left-hand side in the layers pane.

6. Select the permit number:

7. The permit details will be displayed. If you require a copy of the Historical tidal works approval for this permit, a request can be made online: Link

For queries about these permit details or Historical tidal works approvals, contact Permit and Licence Management - Department of Environment and Science: Contact details: Link


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