Using Natural Disaster Services in ArcGIS Pro
Active Natural Disaster image service - NOT BEING POPULATED THIS 2025 DISASTER SEASON
During a natural disaster the State Disaster Control Centre (SDCC) in Kedron is stood up, in previous years a restricted temporary 3-band Optical Active Natural Disaster image service is continuously populated with the active projects over affected areas. This year this is no longer the case and it is being replaced with the usage of Hosted Planet Services which users can create themselves in the Planet Explorer.
After the event(s) the Natural Disaster Optical QGov & All Users image services will be updated with mosaics of the imagery covering the events.
Natural Disaster Flood Depth QGov image service
This service is designed to provide access to the State Remotely Sensed Image Library collection of restricted natural disaster Flood Depth data over Queensland. Natural disaster events include flood, tropical cyclone, storm, tornado, storm surge, tsunami or other flooding related significant weather occurrences. ICEYE’s constellation of small and agile SAR satellites can revisit the same location in space daily and even sub-daily (see the Release attribute field in the service), enabling a level of change detection. Only the latest Release of one dataset will be available in the service. This is a Time Series service and last year and this year’s events are contained in it, therefore if you just like to display the latest ICEYE data you need to filter out the previous events by either Name or via the Date fields.
The flood depth value (not using symbology or a Processing Template) is derived from ICEYE and Sentinel-1 SAR datasets, compared against open-source elevation data. Details about data sources are available in the product metadata.
When using the service, it is recommended to use a Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) via the Image Service Layer ribbon in ArcGIS Pro, and optionally apply a Stretch Type to visually enhance the display of flood depth pixel values. FloodDepth function template renderers are available in the service when added in its entirety to a map, but will create an RGB renderer for ONLY VISUAL EFFECT and NOT for reading of the actual Flood Depth. To apply the function renderers right click on the image service in the Contents pane to open the Properties and choose Processing Templates, then choose from the Processing Template dropdown menu FloodDepth or other template, and OK:
Please note the Processing Templates are NOT AVAILABLE when adding an individual project after double clicking on the service via the Catalog pane → Portal to the map, and you need to apply the DRA and Symbology manually:
To obtain the flood depth value of a pixel you should NOT have a Processing Template enabled, but you can apply the DRA & Symbology manually as described above, and then click on a location in the map, where then in the Pop Up Window the Service Pixel Value gives the Flood Depth in meters, i.e. if the Service Pixel Value is 0.29, then it means the flood water is 0.29 Meters in depth.
Please note when adding the project individually from the service in the Portal pane the Stretch.Pixel Value is not correct.
Natural Disaster Optical QGov & All Users image services
For the purpose of displaying the full extent of floodlines or fire scars resulting from natural disasters the previous scenes from the Active Natural Disaster image service are mosaicked and processed into 3-band RGB images (False or True colour) and are added to the Natural Disaster Optical time series service. No stretch, DRA, Function or Transmission Compression need to be applied, but personal preference manual adjustment can be applied in the Appearance ribbon in ArcGIS Pro. If the Active Natural Disaster image service contains 3-band projects, during the natural disaster if the service is overloaded up and lowering its performance, active Optical projects are added to the restricted Natural Disaster Optical time series services.
Combining the Natural Disaster services (through applying transparency) with the Elevation services underneath using a Hillshade function Processing Template is very effective.
Natural Disaster Analytic QGov & AllUsers Users image services
After, and sometimes during the natural disaster if the service is overloaded and lowering its performance, active Analytic projects are added to the Restricted Natural Disaster Analytic time series service. This service contains all the projects from an event and is a 4-band analytic service where stretch and DRA need to be applied in the client software. A False Colour Function is configure in the service by Default but this can be changed to a True Colour function template in the imagery layer Properties Processing Templates. The services only have LERC compression.
If you cannot see these Restricted Active services and need access, please contact Spatial Help Centre.