ERDAS Imagine

ERDAS Imagine

This section of the document describes how to access and consume the Public OGC compliant WMS dynamic Time Series Elevation service in Erdas Imagine.  Please note this is the only service that will work in Erdas Imagine and is embedded with Aspect, Hillshade and Slope with rendering functions. Unfortunate the WCS capability of the service, to extract Height values at a location point, does not work in Erdas Imagine.

These instructions apply to and have been tested in Erdas imagine 2018.

In Erdas Imagine choose Open from the File menu, then choose Web Service.

In the Open Web Service window paste in the following URL:


Then click on Test, which should give you the Message window “Connection succeeded”, then OK or OK to All:

Then OK in the Open Web Service window.  The service has now been added to the Contents pane:

Check the DEM_TimeSeries_AllUsers:Hillshade sublayer to see the Hillshade function embedded in this service.  To see the Hillshade effect better zoom into a mountainous area:

Clicking on the Hillshade sublayer choosing Open as Raster via the WMS Tab adds a new Raster layer to your Content pane, which gives you an array of options under the Raster tab, but slightly diminishes the resolution of the image.


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