Connecting to Spatial Portal (Access to Public services)

Connecting to Spatial Portal (Access to Public services)

To access the Public elevation and image services you do not need to sign into Spatial Portal. Public services can be viewed in a browser, and in ESRI or non-ESRI software. To connect these services to your software follow the steps below.

ESRI Users

Please note users are required to set a portal connection using the appropriate instructions prior to opening a session in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro

ESRI users can use the Public elevation and image service services in the Spatial Portal ArcGIS Online Map Viewers, and in the ESRI desktop clients ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro for which it is only needed to Connect, and not Sign In to the Spatial Portal. Then do a Search for ‘public’ under Portal in the Catalog pane of ArcGIS Pro, or via ArcGIS Portal / Add Data From ArcGIS Portal in ArcMap.

Non-ESRI Users

In non-ESRI software (MapInfo or Open Source GIS software, such as QGIS), from the REST Endpoint (Services Directory), copy and paste the OGC compliant WMS/WMTS/WCS REST endpoint URL without the Basic Authentication ‘-auth’ prefix.

Instructions on how to connect to services in the most popular non_ESRI software can be found in the MapInfo and QGIS sections of this Knowledge Base.

It is not advised to use the WMS/WMTS/WCS OGC compliant imagery web services in ESRI software when ESRI proprietary services are available.

Viewing Services in a web browser

If you do not have access to a GIS software you can view imagery and elevation services through the online map viewer. All public services will be visible when accessing Spatial Portal. Navigate through the topics on the Map Viewers page for information on using imagery and elevation services.


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