List of Public Web Services
Explore below our Imagery web services. For Restricted services which provide the most recently captured aerial imagery as part of the SISP program, please go to List of Restricted Web Services.
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Earliest Aerial Ortho
A basemap image service that displays the earliest authoritative general reference imagery datasets captured by piloted aircraft over areas of Queensland.
Whole-of-State Satellite
A basemap service that displays a visually-enhanced mosaic of high resolution authoritative general reference imagery captured by CubeSat satellite spacecrafts (Planet Labs Incorporated) over areas of Queensland.
Latest State Program All Users
A basemap image service that displays the best openly available (latest and highest spatial resolution) authoritative general reference imagery datasets captured by remotely piloted aircraft systems (drones), piloted aircraft, and satellite space craft over areas of Queensland.
Time Series
Aerial Ortho Time Series All Users
A public time series image service that displays authoritative general reference imagery captured by remotely piloted aircraft systems (drones) and piloted aircraft over areas of Queensland. This service also supports multi-band imagery for select projects.
Natural Disaster Analytic Time Series
A time series service that displays 16-bit spatial imagery over Queensland areas affected by natural disaster events captured from satellite, manned aircraft, or remotely piloted (drone) platforms.
Natural Disaster Optical Time Series
A time series service that displays optical 8-bit spatial imagery over Queensland areas affected by historic natural disaster events captured from satellite, manned aircraft, or remotely piloted (drone) platforms. This service is available (view_only) in the Queensland Globe via the Past Imagery Tool - see video & Past Imagery Tool Help page.
DEM basemap services contains LERC format tile_cache. At versions ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.x – 10.9.x services containing LERC tile_cache do not display in ArcGIS Pro and Spatial Portal or ArcGIS Online Map Viewers, therefore please use the dynamic elevation services instead in these clients.
DEM Latest Tile_cache
A tile_cached elevation service that displays public, high resolution (where available), ortho Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data captured by LiDAR system installed on remotely piloted aircraft systems (drones), piloted aircraft, and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) over areas of Queensland. This digital terrain model (DTM) represents the bare ground surface without any other objects like trees and buildings.
DEM Time Series
An elevation service that displays the latest, highest resolution, ortho Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data captured by remotely piloted aircraft systems (drones), piloted aircraft, and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) over areas of Queensland.
Elevation project Extents
This map service displays the individual tile footprints and project extent of high resolution elevation data captured using LiDAR , ortho DEM , SRTM and bathymetric data over Queensland. The layers within this service provide metadata information related to the individual LiDAR projects. This service provides access to the following spatial datasets: * _QLD elevation data extents_ (elv.qld_elevation_data_extents) * _LiDAR tile footprints_ (elv.qld_lidar_tile_footprints) * _LiDAR project extents_ (elv.qld_lidar_project_extents) * _QLD SRTM + Bathymetry + OrthoDEM_ (elv.qld_srtm_bathymetry_odem)