Download data

Download data

Download by selected record

Once you have found a dataset to download, click on the "Download dataset" button.

If a dataset does not have a "Download dataset" button it is a series or offline resource that is not available for download. View the metadata statement to contact the publisher.

The first drop-down list lets you select the data format. If the format you want is not available contact the data publisher (contact details in the metadata statement) to enquire about other options.

The second drop-down list lets you choose output projection. Select from a list of projections if required. The ICSM ANZLIC Committee on Surveying and Mapping Projections | Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping provides information on the projections used in Australia. Most users select "as stored" and allow their GIS software to open the data appropriately.

Click on the "Download dataset" button to open the "Request download" window.

Enter your email address, tick "I accept the terms and conditions", and click the "Request Download" button.

A "Data Request Confirmation" window will let you know your request is being processed.

You will receive an email with the Data download link.

Click on the link, or copy the link into a new browser window (Edge is best) to download the file.

Download multiple datasets

To download multiple datasets in one session, you can use the "Add to My list" function for each dataset.

The My list item in the top menu presents a list of the datasets you selected and the type of ZIP file you download.

Downloadable data in My list is either :-

Extractable data can be clipped to your area of interest, and downloaded to any of four file formats, and / or projected to other coordinate reference systems.


Pre-packaged data supplied in a specific coverage area, format and projection.

Both forms of Downloadable Data are provided as a download link(s) in an email that is sent to your specified email address. This link is blue in colour, just click on it.

Once you have finished your dataset selections, go to the top of the page and click "My list". You will be shown what you have saved into your My list under the heading "Downloadable data".

Click the "Download all data" button.

Select each dataset you wish to download by checking the box to the right of the dataset name. This should turn the check box green.

Click the "Extract / download" button

Enter the Output format, Output projection, email address and accept terms and conditions.

Click the "Extract/Download" button.

A "Data Request Confirmation" window will appear

You will then receive an email with the Data download link for the requested data order.

Download using Extraction by area of interest method

You can be more selective by only requesting data over a particular area in Queensland by using a extraction by area of interest method.

Click view/extract in map button and you can then select further options on what area you want the data from. This only works on extractable data. Select a dataset from your extractable data list, then select the output format and the area of coverage you want from the three option tabs provided eg LGA, City/ Suburb or Custom. A map displays the area you have selected and you then complete the rest of the download instructions, enter your email and a connection to the data is emailed to you.

Some datasets have "by area of interest" in the title. These datasets are too large to be downloaded as a whole and require the data to be extracted by area of interest.

You select the middle button for the Extractable data dataset.

Click on the View/extract in map button.

You will see the next screen.

You select the dataset in your Extractable data list that you want to extract the data from.

When you make the square button green beside a dataset you are selecting which of the records from your My list you want to download.

When you make the eye shape yellow beside an extractable dataset and you click on the dataset the coverage of the actual data will be shown on the view map base. Depending on the dataset you may have to zoom in a look around for the coverage highlighted areas.

When you select Extract/download you get the following screen.

If you select the Choose an area button, then there are three ways of selecting how you want to define the data you want to extract.

Select the Choose an area button

There are three ways of selecting how you want to define the data you want to extract.

This is the first option to select by LGA area.

This is second option select by City or Suburb.

This is third option to select by a custom shape. Click on the shape you want to use and position it on the map.

You need to zoom into your area of interest on the map before placing the shape.

Enter details for Output format, Output projection, email address and accepting terms and conditions. Clicking the "Extract/Download" button at the end will generate a "Data Request Confirmation" window, and you will then receive in due course an email similar to the following which is providing with the Data download link for the requested data order.

Important: There are limitations within the various software packages as to how big a file the package is able to open and display. The complexity of the geometry e.g. number of point or vertices within the file may not be obvious from the file size for a particular file type that you have ordered.

If the file does not open in your software reorder a smaller area.

This page shows you a list of the data files and their formats which you have selected and added to this list prior to requesting the data extraction. You can extract any dataset listed on this page.

There are now two methods of automating downloads to save you time.  One uses the QSpatial interface, and the other requires Python scripting (see Direct Download below):

Log into QSpatial as a registered user (you can self register) to save your favourite downloads (refer to Saved Download Monitors for instructions).

This service is intended for System Administrators and Developers to use as part of their internal organisation’s spatial data acquisition and load process. This can include contractors, consultants and third parties engaged for that purpose.

Organisations (government or private) can set up automatically schedule data downloads directly from QSpatial rather than manually using the QSpatial front end. You can then programmatically download data at a frequency required to meet your needs.

To request an account you will need:

  • An email address, preferably with
    a. A company or government domain (not Gmail or Outlook etc.)
    b. A generic “system” name (not a person’s name) e.g. cadastre_update@your.email.domain

  • A QSpatial user account
    a. Requires the email address from above as the username

  • Some knowledge of scripting and the HTTP protocol (python examples are included in this guide*).

Please email customer support at support@spatial-qld-support.atlassian.net

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