

How to optimise search

To search click the large search icon in the middle of the screen or the button in the black bar at the top left.

The search page displays all items in the catalogue until you apply a filter from the list on the left-hand side of the search results.

Use quotation marks

To narrow your search use quotation marks in the text field for phrases eg “cadastral data”, and use other Boolean search operators. The following filters can also assist.

Choose content type

Data is available as different types of content. The Choose content type will filter spatial datasets to be broken down by content type.

The number to the right shows the number of datasets in that category.

Clicking the check box next to a content type will refine the datasets returned Search results list.

To filter by series will show you the dataset groupings. Popular series are: vegetation management and hydrographic features series.

To view only downloadable datasets user “dataset”.

To view only web services, filer by “services”.

Filter by organisation will display a listing of all the organisations that contribute data to QSpatial. Spatial data are then categorised by the organisation responsible for the data. Most datasets are published by the Department of Resources and Department of Environment and Science, but this can help where a department only publishes a few datasets.

The number to the right shows the number of datasets contributed by that organisation.

Clicking the check box next to an organisation will refine the datasets returned Search results list.

Spatial datasets have been categorised into standardised broad classifications to assist in searching. The Choose categories section will filter the spatial data to display as a listing by ISO Topic category.

The number to the right shows the number of datasets in that category.

Clicking the check box next to a category will refine the datasets returned Search results list.

Filter by location allows you to search for a location within Queensland. You can manually type in your location, or alternatively you can refine your search by local government area (LGA) or City/Suburb. Further options to search anywhere, intersects and within will refine your search results by using the extent of the map to find resources whose extent either intersect or are completely within the subject area.

The map viewer will zoom to the map location of your search result.

The search combinations you choose will refine the datasets returned Search results list.

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