Topics in this section:
Table of Contents |
Adding Image Services in ArcGIS Pro
In ArcGIS Pro Image services but not OGC WMS services, can be added to Maps or Scenes in several ways:
Note |
Please not note with WMS and WMTS service the layers cannot be queried or extracted. |
Note |
Please note that the layer files, item.pitemx files, produced in the Spatial Portal website DO NOT WORK in ArcGIS Pro! |
Image service Footprints
Not all projects within a service can be viewed at the Whole Of State scale. Regional scale projects can be viewed at 1:250 000 and local scale projects at 1:50 000.
In order to see project extents check the Display Footprints option under the Display tab in the imagery Layer Properties. Unfortunately, the Footprints cannot be labelled.
Adding an individual project from an image service
This method is the preferred way to add individual projects to your map as the the Catalogue → Portal → Double clicking on an image service has bugs (see paragraph below).
First add the full service to the map, select the service in the Contents pane, open the Attribute Table and select a row. Then via the Data tab in the Image Service Layer ribbon open the Operations dropdown menu, select Add To Map and allocate a name:
Via the Layer Catalogue
Warning |
This method has some bugs associated with multi-band imagery and ArcGIS Pro crashing with some projects, for a more reliable way please use the ‘Operations’ method described above |
Note |
There is an issue when adding multiple individual project layers that the difference between the layers does not get displayed, in the Properties of the newly added project layer set the “Don’t cache any data locally” option: |
Comparing Imagery
To compare imagery in the same location, select the topmost image project layer in the Contents pane, go to the Appearance tab of the Raster Layer ribbon, choose the Swipe tool and drag the triangular cursor over the image:
In the Layer Properties of an image service change “No Time” in the Layer Time dropdown to “Each feature has a single time field” and use “YEAR” in the Time Field dropdown.
The Time Slider will automatically appear. Moving the Time Slider allows you to compare and step through imagery year by year in one location, though you must be zoomed-in to at least 1:250 000:
Using Multi-Band Imagery
Four services have been enabled for multi-band viewing, these are:
In the services above, only particular projects within them will have 4-bands and be appropriate for colour infrared viewing. To identify the projects with this functionality, use the ‘product_type’ field and query -
For the Aerial-Ortho services, ‘Ortho Aerial Photo Multispectral’ (SQL: "product_type" = 4)
For Satellite services, 'Satellite Multispectral' (SQL: "product_type" = 2)
In order to access multi-band functionality, you can either add the service as normal or add an individual project as described above:
Once the layer is in the Table of Contents, there are two approaches to use the multi-band functionality.
Via the Layer Ribbon
When applying to the whole service or individual projects select the Appearance tab in the Raster / Image Service Layer ribbon and you can apply the pre-set band combination or make a custom combination.
See the ESRI documentation -
Please note the default Colour Infrared band combination for the Natural Disaster Analytic services can only be accessed by the second method below.
Processing Templates
When applying to the whole service (NOT individual projects) you also can right click on the layer in the Table of Contents, select Properties:
Then select Processing Templates and use the drop down to select pre-set Function Templates:
Using Imagery Services for Map Printing
When producing maps with imagery services as a base layer it is best to use the dynamic state, turning off of the tile-cache in Basemap imagery services. All imagery services are delivered via the Spatial Portal and are depicted by this symbol. Please access these services as per above chapters. Having added a tile-cached basemap image service to a Map you will need to turn off Use Service Cache. This will enable you to Print/Export your maps successfully with the imagery displayed. If the service is not a tile-cached image service the Use Service Cache option will be greyed out.
Adding a single project, as described above, will also enable you to Print/Export, because it comes from the dynamic state of the service. Remember to turn Use Service Cache back on after printing/exporting to enable better performance of the service.
Using tile_cached services
The Latest basemap tile_cached services are tile_cached for better performance. The tile_cache displays down to a scale of 1:1129, after it becomes more and more blurry. If you need to display clear imagery at a lower scale in areas where there is high resolution aerial imagery available, then there are a couple of options:
Take a copy and paste the tile_cached service in the Contents pane, turn off the Use Service Cache on this second layer and set the scale to be of a maximum 1:1128 maximum and 0 minimum.
From a tile_cached service pull in an individual project as a layer in the Contents. This
Add another dynamic service underneath the tile_cached service for display beyond a scale of 1:1128.
Whole Of State high-resolution satellite background
Since the Time Series image services do not have a high-resolution satellite imagery Whole of State background, you need to zoom into a project first before it displays. The solution to get the whole of state context, is adding a basemap service to your map. For example, you can use the Public All Users services, but they do not appear in your Spatial Portal Group, you need to do an ‘All Users’ Search under All Portal icon in the Catalog.
Add the ‘Queensland Imagery: Whole-of-State Program (All Users)’ or ‘Queensland Imagery: Latest State Program (All Users)’ image service to your map. Also for the Elevation web services you need to do a Search via Group or All Portal icons.