Regardless of being an ESRI or non-ESRI user, a personalQGov account or a built-in named user accountis needed for external individual users (non-LANDS network). Once your account is created, you will also need to be added as a member of your organisation’s security Group in the Spatial Portal environment. (In some cases you maybe asked to set up a built-in named user account depending on your requirements).
Account Registration
To Register for yourself, please follow the steps below:
Navigate to the Spatial Portal website (spatial.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/home/index.html)
Click “Sign In” and select “Single Sign-On (myID, QGov login, Qld. Government agencies, etc.)”
Choose a registration option:
The “Microsoft 365” option supports single sign-on (SSO) for Queensland Government agencies using Tell Us Once (TUO). No further steps are required, as SSO accounts are automatically configured with access to restricted services.
The “QGov” option is best for all other users, including councils and government-owned corporations.
For a “QGov” login, use your organisation's email address (e.g. joe.bloggs@logan.qld.gov.au) and a password of your choosing. Follow any other steps to register your account.
Once logged into Spatial Portal, click Set up your profile
Click on your user profile (top-right corner) and then click on the link for “My profile”.
Add Bio, : click on the edit icon and to add your first and last names and “Save”. This identifies you to us.
Take note of your GUID number (e.g.
With these details, raise Raise a support request in the Queensland Spatial Help Centre, including , providing your GUID, first name, last name, email address, and organisation. Using these details, your account will be added We will let you know when you have access to the relevant Spatial Portal security group for your organisation.