Navigation Tools

Navigation Tools


Zoom in / Zoom out

There are 4 ways you can zoom in or out.

  • Use the zoom in or out button on the map.

  • Use the scroll wheel of your mouse.

  • Use the + or - keys on your keyboard. This will zoom in or zoom out respectively. (The numbers key pad also works when Num lock is off.)

Zoom to an area of interest

  • Use the shift key and mouse button and click and drag on the map over an area of interest.

The map view will display the extent of the rectangle drawn.


Pan Map

  • Mouse click and drag on the map to move the current map view.

  • Alternatively, use the Arrow keys on the keyboard to move the screen in the selected direction.


Default Extent

  • Resets the map to the default extent showing all of Queensland.


My Location

  • Using this function on a device with location capabilities will zoom the map to your current location.

Note: The accuracy of the location varies based on the type of browser and device used.


Basemap Gallery

  • Toggle the background basemap to suit your preferred display.

Options include a coloured or monochrome basemap. 

You also have the option of turning on the latest available imagery in the layer list.



To optimise performance, select from one of the dropdowns before typing in the search field.

  • Click the Dropdown and select the type of search required.

To view further search options, use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll down the list.

Note: This is the only method used to scroll.

  • Type relevant text into the search field.

  • Click the Search icon.

The map will display your search.


Time Slider

The Time Slider enables you to view layers in a map and play the animation to see how data changes over time. You can control the animation of the data with buttons to play and pause and go to the previous and next time period.

  • Go to Layer List

  • Select a Time-aware service. Eg. Spatial cadastre, time-aware


A pop-up will be displayed.

  • Drag the Sliders to the time period required.

  • Use the Play/Pause, Go to the previous/next buttons to control the animation of the data.


Your map view will play the animation and display how the data changes over time.

Note: Click and drag on the time slider pop-up to move position within the map view.




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