In the Map Viewer load an elevation layer via the  Add button and Search for Layers

There are two types of elevation services: Tile-cached and Dynamic (see the glossary) but note at versions ArcGIS Entreprise 10.7.x to 10.9.x the LERC Tile_cached elevation services do NOT display in the Map Viewers, therefore please use the dynamic elevation services.

The time animation is enabled in Map viewer .

Only the default renderer (not Hillshade and other renderers) displays the elevation service in normal height mode:

To see a Hillshade, Aspect or Slope rendered elevation in the map, click the three dots (…) and choose Image Display.

Choose Renderer -> Hillshade, Symbology Type -> Stretch, Stretch Type -> Standard Deviation and make sure to have the Dynamic range adjustment (DRA) box ticked:

To see the height at different locations make sure the Default (None) renderer is enabled, then configure the pop-ups:

Using the Configure Attributes link select the fields you’d like to display in the pop-up and apply Field Aliases i.e. the Raster.ItemPixelValue is the Height.  Do not use the Aspect, Hillshade or Slope renderer pixel values for height: