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Community Facility Points | A point feature class displaying the location of a collection of community facilities. An automatically derived subset of data from Building points and areas | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | dm_community_ facility | NAME | No | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the feature source information that the location of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the facility. Options: Abandoned Operational Non Operational Proposed Under Construction
| dm_infra_status | PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
A polygon feature class displaying the extent of major significant dam walls within the State of Queensland.
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Dam Wall - Major | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of major significant dam walls within the State of Queensland. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 100 | Dam Wall Major | | DAM_TYPE | No | Text | 20 | The type of dam. Options: Ana-Branch Weir Balancing Storage Barrage Dam Off-Stream Storage Saddle Dam Weir
| dm_dam_type | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | ASS_WATERCOURSE | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the watercourse the dam is located on. | | AMTD | Yes | Double | | (Adopted Middle Thread Distance) Defines the distance the feature is along from the start of a watercourse | | DAM_OWNER | Yes | Text | 100 | The entity undertaking the day-to-day operations of the infrastructure. If the owner is non-government or quasi-government, the owner will be shown as “Private” | | REPORTABLE_DAM_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Reportable Dams unique identifier | | WTR_SUPPLY_SCHEME | Yes | Text | 100 | The bulk water supply scheme or town water system associated with the bulk water storage infrastructure | | CONSTRUCTED_DATE | Yes | Date | | Date of construction of the dam if available | | FULL_SUPPLY_LEVEL (M) | Yes | Double | | The normal maximum operating water levelof a water storage when not affected by floods. The elevation of the full supply level is measured in metres on the Australian Height Datum (AHD). If not on AHD, the datum will be recorded in the “Additional Information” field | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
Dam Wall Major - A wall of solid material built across a river, valley, or catchment to block the flow of water, raising the water level, forming a reservoir that is used for water storage purposes.
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DAM WALL MAJOR Definition- A significant piece of water infrastructure in the local environment, comprised of earth and or rock, concrete or masonry constructed to form a reservoir for water storage purposes or to raise the water level. Alternate Terms: Ana-Branch Weir, Balancing Storage, Barrage, Dam, Off-Stream Storage, Saddle Dam, Weir | Capture as a 2D polygon The general outline is plotted from orthorectified imagery Capture the upstream wall of the dam coincident with the full supply water level in the feature type “lake“ The downstream side of the dam wall will follow the batter of the dam Locations of dams used for the storage of water for community use can be found in Seqwater, Sunwater, Locations can be obtained from other datasets, existing mapping, address details, tourist publications, organisations, Local or State Government websites or other source material For features that do not meet the “Dam Wall Major” definition, capture as a Feature Type “Dam “Dam Wall Minor”Minor”
Dam Wall - Minor
A polyline feature class displaying the location of minor dam walls within the State of Queensland
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DAM WALL MINOR Definition: A barrier of earth and or rock, concrete or masonry constructed to form a reservoir for water storage purposes or to raise the water level. Alternate Terms: Ana-Branch Weir, Balancing Storage, Barrage, Dam, Off-Stream Storage, Saddle Dam, Weir | Capture as a 2D polyline. The location is plotted from orthorectified imagery Capture along the centre of the crest of the dam wall The wall is not coincident with the water in the lake For signifFor features that meet the “Dam Wall Major” definition, capture as Feature Type “Dam Wall Major” Locations can be obtained from other datasets, existing mapping, address details, tourist publications, organisations, Local or State Government websites or other source material
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Infrastructure Areas | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of developed or specialized infrastructure areas. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 100 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: Defence Establishment Detention Centre Educational Facility Health and Medical Facility Industrial Facility Power Generation Facility Research Facility Treatment Plant Other Infrastructure Area
| dm_infra_area | FUNCTION | No | Text | 100 | Indicates what the function of the feature is. Options: Defence Establishment Airbase Military Base Military Training Area Naval Base
Detention Centre Detention Centre Youth Detention Centre
Educational Facility Health and Medical Facility Industrial Facility Power Generation Facility Research Facility Treatment Plant Desalination Plant Sewage Treatment Plant Water Treatment Plant
| dm_infra_area_ function | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the facility. Options: Abandoned Operational Non Operational Proposed Under Construction
| dm_infra_status | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. . In this field, type in lower case the appropriate function: | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Infrastructure Lines | A polyline feature class displaying the location of long and narrow developed or specialized infrastructure. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | dm_infra_line | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the facility. Options: Abandoned Operational Non Operational Proposed Under Construction
| dm_infra_status | PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M | No | Double | | The length of the feature measured in metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Infrastructure Points | A point feature class displaying the location of developed or specialized constructed infrastructure. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 100 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | dm_infra_point | NAME | No | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the feature source information that the location of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the facility. Options: Abandoned Operational Non Operational Proposed Under Construction
| dm_infra_status | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | Yes | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. . In this field, type the type of feature:, fire towerIf the feature is classified as a “Communications Tower” and it can be determined what type of tower it is. In this field, type in lower case either of the following: | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Marine Infrastructure Areas | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of infrastructure associated with the marine environment of Queensland's Coastline and inland waters. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | dm_marine_ infra_area | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the facility. Options: Abandoned Operational Non Operational Proposed Under Construction
| dm_infra_status | PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. If the feature is classified as a marina and has no name. In this field, type in lowercase the following: e.g., , then transfer its stated function (typed in lower case) into this field: If the feature is classified as a wharf area. In this field, type , then transfer its stated function (typed in lower case the following) into this field: | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Marine Infrastructure Lines | A polyline feature class displaying the location of infrastructure associated with the marine environment of Queensland's Coastline and inland waters. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | dm_marine_ infra_line | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) For named jetties, the suffix of 'Pier' or 'Jetty will be included in the name e.g., Shorncliffe Pier | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the facility. Options: Abandoned Operational Non Operational Proposed Under Construction
| dm_infra_status | PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M | No | Double | | The length of the feature measured in metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. If the feature has no name. In this field, type , then transfer its stated function (typed in lower case the type of feature:) into this field e.g. , If the feature has no name and is classified as a “Wharf Line”. In this field, type in lower case the following:, then transfer its stated function (typed in lower case) into this field e.g.
| | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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WATER TANK Definition: A retaining structure designed to hold water, constructed either at surface level or sub surface level. Generally located in an elevated position to secure pressure for onward supply to a water distribution network. Alternate Terms: Reservoir | Capture as a 2D polygon if feature is rectangular in shape. Capture as a 2D circle if feature is circular in shape. The general outline is plotted from orthorectified imagery If the feature is captured as a circle, convert the circle to a polygon. Select the feature, hit on the Generalize command in ARC. In the Maximum allowable offset: dialog box, type in the range of 0.25 to 0.5 The Locations can be obtained from the cadastre. Locations can be obtained from other datasets, existing mapping, address details, Local Government websites, or other source material.
| WATER TOWER Definition: A tower generally constructed of steel supporting a water tank designed to hold drinking water, thus providing pressure for the onward supply to a water distribution network. Alternate Terms: | Capture as a 2D polygon if feature is rectangular in shape, capture the base of the tower Capture as a 2D circle if feature is circular in shape, capture the base of the tower. Minimum capture size is a diameter of 15 metres, if required exaggerate to conform The general outline is plotted from orthorectified imagery If the feature is captured as a circle, convert the circle to a polygon. Select the feature, hit on the Generalize command in ARC. In the Maximum allowable offset: dialog box, type in the range of 0.25 to 0.5 The Locations can be obtained from the cadastre. Locations can be obtained from other datasets, existing mapping, address details, Local Government websites, or other source material.
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