The first character determines the State the data is in:
Queensland | 1 |
The The next two characters determine the data theme. These follow the naming conventions and ordering as documented in the United Nations Global Fundamental Geospatial Data Themes:
Global Geodetic Reference Frame | 01 |
Addresses | 02 |
Buildings and Settlements | 03 |
Elevation and Depth | 04 |
Functional Areas | 05 |
Geographical Names | 06 |
Geology and Soils | 07 |
Land Cover and Use | 08 |
Land Parcels | 09 |
Ortho imagery | 10 |
Physical Infrastructure | 11 |
Population Distribution | 12 |
Transport Networks | 13 |
Water | 14 |
The The following three characters represent the feature class within the data theme. The first feature class is assigned the value of 001. For the other feature classes within the theme, the ordering is random so that other feature classes can be added or removed later without affecting the ordering.
The last nine characters are incrementally generated in the numbering sequence starting at 000000001 for the first feature.
This date is automatically recorded in the attributes of the feature displays the date of any changes to a feature, either spatially or non-spatially. This allows users to track when changes are made to a feature. When data is initially loaded to the database or a new feature is created, the created and last edited dates will be the same.
*These fields attributes are for internal purposes only.
It is crucial to ascertain the origin of spatial topographic data, whether in graphical or informational form, as this knowledge is fundamental to preserving the data's integrity. This information is recorded through attribution in the Attribute and Feature Source columns (see individual feature classes definitions below under Data Themes for further information).
Qld_Place Names Database
Qld_Place Names Plan _QPN265
Qld_Spatial Cadastral Database
Qld_Dept of Environment, Science and Innovation
Qld_Dept of Justice and Attorney-General
Qld_Dept of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
For information obtained from website (Owner, point of truth) e.g.: