This theme includes the following feature classes:
Island Groups
Linear Landforms
Natural Regions
State Border
Terrain Points
A polygon feature class displaying the extent of named recesses in the coastline of sea or shoreline of a waterbody.
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Bays | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of named recesses in the coastline of sea or shoreline of a waterbody. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | | NAME | No | Text | 100 | The name of the feature. | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank. | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source map, or data where the name of the feature was obtained. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source map, or data where the name of the feature was obtained. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Islands | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of marine (offshore) and terrestrial (within an inland waterbody) islands within the state of Queensland | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: Marine Island Terrestrial Island
| dm_island | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | Other names of the feature if not recorded in the Queensland Place Names Database. May be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple names can be shown, separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. In this field, either of the following | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Linear Landforms | A polyline feature class displaying the location of identified coastal, marine and terrestrial landforms. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: Beach Cliff Passage Range Reach Valley Other Linear Landform
| dm_linear_ landform | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | Other names of the feature if not recorded in the Queensland Place Names Database. May be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple names can be shown, separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M | No | Double | | The length of the feature measured in metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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BEACH Definition: A named gently sloping shore which is washed by waves or tide - this may occur adjacent to sea, waterbody, or watercourse Alternate Terms: | Capture as a 2D polyline. The location of the feature is plotted from orthorectified imagery. The feature to be captured parallel to the defined coastline or shoreline and halfway between the defined coastline or shoreline and vegetation on the mainland. Locations can be obtained from other datasets, existing mapping, tourist publications, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. The name is obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset. Only named beaches are captured.
| CLIFF Definition: A high steep face of rock and or compacted soil that is an obstacle to movement. Alternate Terms: Bluff, Coastal cliff, Crag, Escarpment, Precipice | Capture as a 2D polyline The location of the feature is plotted from orthorectified imagery. The direction of the polyline to be such that the cliff face is on the right side of the polyline in the direction of capture. Captured polyline is to be no smaller than 125m. (if necessary, extend length) Obtain position and extent by using suitable elevation datasets (contours) and/or the highest resolution digital elevation model (DEM) over the area. The name is obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset. Only named cliffs are captured.
| PASSAGE Definition: A named navigable channel, especially one through reefs or islands Alternate Terms: Channel, Cutting, Deep, Entrance, Gutter, Opening, Pass, Seaway, Strait, The Narrows | Capture as a 2D polyline The location of the feature is plotted from orthorectified imagery. The actual extents of these features are fuzzy and as such hard to define, show polyline in the middle of the feature, parallel to its sides. Position and extent are determined from documentation, maritime charts, historical mapping other datasets, existing mapping, or other source material. The name is obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset. Only named passages are captured. NOTE: Torres Strait is included in the Feature Class “Seas” NOTE: A small number of watercourses named as Channels in Western Queensland have been included in the Feature Class “Watercourse Lines”
| RANGE Definition: A named series of connected and aligned mountains or mountain ridges. Alternate Terms: Mountain Range, Razorback, Ridge, Spur | Capture as a 2D polyline The location of the feature is plotted from orthorectified imagery. The actual extents of these features are fuzzy and as such hard to define. Obtain position and extent by using suitable elevation datasets (contours) and/or the highest resolution digital elevation model (DEM) over the area. (Traversing along the watershed) Locations can be obtained from existing mapping, other datasets, Local Government websites or other source material. The name is obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset. Only named ranges are captured.
| REACH Definition: A stretch of river between two bends Alternate Terms: | · · · · · Position and extent are determined from documentation, maritime charts, historical mapping other datasets, existing mapping, or other source material. · · | VALLEY Definition: A named elongated low-lying area of land bordered by higher ground, such as hills or mountains, typically with a watercourse flowing through it. Alternate Terms: Canyon, Dale, Gorge, Ravine | · · · The actual extents of these features are fuzzy and as such hard to define. Position and extent are determined from historical mapping, other datasets, existing mapping, or other source material. The name is obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset.
· Only named valleys are captured. |
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Mainland | A polygon feature class displaying the land extent of continental Queensland. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | | NAME | No | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (Queensland) | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source map or data where the name of the feature was obtained. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source map or data where the name of the feature was obtained. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
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MAINLAND Definition: The land extent of continental Queensland. (excluding marine islands) Alternate Terms: State | · · · |
Natural Regions
A polygon feature class displaying the extent of natural regions and terrestrial landforms within the state of Queensland.
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Natural Regions | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of natural regions and terrestrial landforms within the state of Queensland. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: Crater Desert Isthmus Natural Region Pastoral District Peninsula Plateau Sand Spit Other Natural Region
| dm_natural_region | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | Other names of the feature if not recorded in the Queensland Place Names Database. May be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple names can be shown, separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
Crater – A bowl-shaped depression produced by the impact of a meteorite, volcanic activity, or an explosion. Desert - A named large, dry, and often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation. Isthmus – A named narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land. Natural Region – A large area of land with similar characteristics across the landscape. (Named) Pastoral District – Pastoral districts were created to administer pastoral runs/holdings. A run/ holding referred to a large area on which livestock were grazed without the need for a lot of fencing. Peninsula – A named large body of land jutting out into and nearly surrounded by water. Plateau - A named extensive area of highland, usually flat land bounded by an escarpment on at least one side. Sand – An area of loose finely divided mineral particles of consistent size, devoid of vegetation. Spit - A named sandy point jutting out into the sea. Other Natural Region – Any natural region not covered by the above.
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Individual features may not agree with the following specifications to improve mapping legibility. 1:25 000 – < 500,000 m² 1:100 000 – >/= 500,000 m² and < 2,000,000 m² 1:250 000 – >/= 2,000,000 m² and < 10,00,000 m² 1:1 000 000 – >/= 10,000,000 m² and < 100,000,000 m² 1:2 500 000 – >/= 100,000,000m² and < 1,000,000,000 m² 1:5 000 000 – >/= 20,000,000m² and < 2,000,000,000,000 m²
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CRATER Definition: A bowl-shaped depression produced by the impact of a meteorite, volcanic activity, or an explosion. Alternate Terms: | · · · · Obtain the location and extent from historical mapping, elevation data, documentation, other datasets, existing mapping, Local Government websites or other source material. · | DESERT Definition: A named large, dry, and often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation. Alternate Terms: | · · · · Obtain the location and extent from historical mapping, elevation data, documentation, other datasets, existing mapping, Local Government websites or other source material. · · | ISTHMUS Definition: A named narrow strip of land with sea or waterbody on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land. Alternate Terms: | · · · · · Obtain the location and extent from historical mapping, elevation data, documentation, other datasets, existing mapping, Local Government websites or other source material. · · | NATURAL REGION Definition: – A large area of land with similar characteristics across the landscape. (Named) Alternate Terms: | · · · · Obtain the location and extent from historical mapping, elevation data, documentation, other datasets, existing mapping, Local Government websites or other source material. · · | PASTORAL DISTRICT Definition: Pastoral districts were created to administer pastoral runs/holdings. A run/ holding referred to a large area on which sheep and cattle were grazed without the need for a lot of fencing. Alternate Terms: | · · Location and extent are plotted from the historical mapping identified in the government gazettal notice, documentation, Queensland Place Names dataset, or other source material. · | PENINSULA Definition: A named large body of land jutting out into and nearly surrounded by water. Alternate Terms: Promontory | · · · · · Obtain the extent from historical mapping, elevation data, documentation, other datasets, existing mapping, or other source material. · · | PLATEAU Definition: - A named extensive area of highland, usually flat land bounded by an escarpment on at least one side. Alternate Terms: Tableland | · · · · Obtain the extent from historical mapping, elevation data, documentation, other datasets, existing mapping, or other source material. · · | SAND Definition: - An area of loose finely divided mineral particles of consistent size, devoid of vegetation. Alternate Terms: Dune, Sandhill, Sand Dune | · · · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · | SPIT Definition: - A named sandy point jutting out into the sea. Alternate Terms: Sandspit (for a submerged Spit see Shoal) | · · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · · · · |
A polygon feature class displaying the location of identified reefs and shoals within Queensland’s maritime waters
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Reefs | A polygon feature class displaying the location of identified reefs and shoals within Queensland’s maritime waters. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | dm_reef | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | Other names of the feature if not recorded in the Queensland Place Names Database. May be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple names can be shown, separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | GBRMPA_REEF_ID | Yes | Long | | Unique identifier allocated to a reef by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | | RELATIONSHIP | No | Text | 12 | Relationship to sea level. Options: Exposed Submerged Tidal | dm_geo relationship | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
Reef – An offshore area of rock or coral, lying near the surface of the sea, exposed at low tide. Shoal – An area of sand or mud, lying near the surface of the sea and may be visible at low tide, but is usually covered by water.
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Exposed – Always exposed. Submerged – Not exposed at low tide. Tidal – Exposed at low tide.
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1:25 000 – < 4,000 m² 1:100 000 – >/= 4,000 m² and < 62,500 m² 1:250 000 – >/= 62,500 m² and < 400,000 m² 1:1 000 000 – >/= 400,000 and < 1,000,000 m² 1:2 500 000 – >/= 1,000,000 m² and < 3,000,000 m² 1:5 00 000 – >/= 3,000,000 m² and < 6,000,000 1:10 000 000 – >/= 6,000,000 m²
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REEF Definition: An offshore area of rock or coral, lying near the surface of the sea, exposed at low tide. Alternate Terms: Drying Reef, Fringing Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Ledge, Rocks, | · · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · · | SHOAL Definition: An area of sand or mud, lying near the surface of the sea and may be visible at low tide, but is usually covered by water. Alternate Terms: Bank, Bar, Shallows, Spit (those covered by water) | · · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · · · · |
A polygon feature class displaying the extent of named Gulfs, Oceans and Seas that surround the State of Queensland including Torres Strait.
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Seas | A polygon feature class displaying the extent of named Gulfs, Oceans and Seas that surround the State of Queensland including Torres Strait. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: Strait | dm_sea | NAME | No | Text | 100 | The name of the feature | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source map, or data where the name of the feature was obtained. (e.g., AHO - Australian Hydrographic Office, IHO – International Hydrographic Organisation) | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source map, or data where the name of the feature was obtained. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from (e.g., AHO - Australian Hydrographic Office, IHO – International Hydrographic Organisation) | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M2 | No | Double | | The area of the feature measured in square metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 100 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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Gulf – A named large inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land. Sea - A named large body of salt water that is surrounded in whole or in part by land. Strait - A named large navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water
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GULF Definition: A named large inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land. (The name of the sea and ocean that the gulf is within, is included in the Additional Names field). Alternate Terms: | · · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · · | SEA Definition: A named large body of salt water that is surrounded in whole or in part by land. (The name of the ocean that the sea is within, is included in the Additional Names field). Alternate Terms: Ocean | · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · · · · The boundary between the Coral and Arafura Seas is that defined by the International Hydrographic Organisation, Limits of Oceans and Seas 3rd edition Published 1953.
| STRAIT Definition: A named large navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water. (The name of the sea and ocean that the strait is within, is included in the Additional Names field). Alternate Terms: | · · Locate the extent from maritime charts, other datasets, existing mapping, organisations, Local Government websites, or other source material. · · · Note – Smaller straits such as the Great Sandy Strait, Endeavour Strait and Turkeys Strait are depicted in the “Linear Landforms” dataset. Only named straits are captured.
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State Border | A polyline feature class displaying the boundaries defining the state border of Queensland. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data which defines what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for defining what the feature is. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location and shape of the feature was obtained from. | | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | DIMENSION_M | No | Double | | The length of the feature measured in metres GDA2020 | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
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STATE BORDER Definition: - The boundary defining the division of the Commonwealth of Australia into State/Territory administrations. Alternate Terms: | · · · · |
Terrain Points
A point feature class displaying the location of identified terrestrial and marine formations.
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Terrain Points | A point feature class displaying the location of identified terrestrial and marine formations. | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of topographic feature. Options: Cape Cave Corner Ford Junction Landing Place Marine Rock Mountain Pass Plain Pocket Terrestrial Rock Other Terrain Point
| dm_terrain | NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank. | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Test | 100 | Other names of the feature if not recorded in the Queensland Place Names Database. May be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple names can be shown, separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | | ELEVATION_M | Yes | Double | | The elevation of the feature measured in metres in relation to the Australian Height Datum. This field only relates to Capes, Mountains and Passes otherwise left blank | | ELEVATION_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The digital elevation model, map, or data that the elevation of the feature was obtained from | | ELEVATION_DATE | Yes | Date | | Date of the digital elevation model, map, or data that the elevation of the feature was obtained from. | | RELATIONSHIP | Yes | Text | 12 | Relationship to sea level. Options: Exposed Submerged Tidal This field only relates to Marine Rocks, otherwise left blank | dm_geo relationship | PFI | No | Text | | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDTED_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. In this field, type in lower case either of the following: ford | | | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
Anchorage – A named area that is suitable for ships to anchor in. Cape - A named prominent headland projecting into the sea or inland waterbody. Cave – A naturally formed, subterranean open area or chamber. Corner – A prominent or historical location at the intersection of two or more features. Ford – A named shallow place in a river or stream where crossings can be made either on foot or in a vehicle. Junction – A named place where two or more linear features join. Landing Place – A named place where people and goods can be loaded (usually with historical significance) Marine Rock – An isolated large mass of stone surrounded by the sea that is usually above water for part of the day. Mountain – A named markedly elevated landform having a high point called a peak or summit. Pass – A named gap in a range of mountains or hills permitting easier passage from one side to the other side. Plain – A broad, flat expanse of land. Pocket – A named area of land within the bend of a river. Terrestrial Rock – An isolated rock formation or a monolith either on land or in an inland waterbody. Other Terrain Point – Any terrain points not covered by the above.
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Exposed – Always exposed. Submerged – Not exposed at low tide. Tidal – Exposed at low tide.
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Individual features may not agree with the following specifications to improve mapping legibility. 1:25 000 – all Corner, Ford, Junction, Landing Place 1:50 000 – all Anchorage, Pass, Pocket 1:100 000 – all Cape, Cave, Plain, Marine Rock, Terrestrial Rock
1:250 000 – all Mountains |
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ANCHORAGE Definition: A named area that is suitable for ships to anchor in. Alternate Terms: | · · · · Locations can be obtained from existing mapping, maritime charts, historical mapping, other datasets, Local Government websites or other source material. · · | CAPE Definition: A named prominent headland projecting into the sea or inland waterbody. Alternate Terms: Coastal point, Head, Headland, Ness, Peninsular, Point, Promontory. | · · · Locations can be obtained from existing mapping, maritime charts, historical mapping, other datasets, Local Government websites or other source material. · · | CAVE Definition: A naturally formed, subterranean open area or chamber. Alternate Terms: Cavern, Grotto, Sink, Sinkhole | · · Locations can be obtained from existing mapping, historical mapping, other datasets, Local Government websites or other source material. · | CORNER Definition: A prominent or historical location at the intersection of two or more features. Alternate Terms: | · · · · · | FORD Definition: A named shallow place in a river or stream where crossings can be made either on foot or in a vehicle. Alternate Terms: Crossing Crossing | · · · | JUNCTION Definition: A named place where two or more linear features join. Alternate Terms: | · · · · · | LANDING PLACE Definition: A named place where people and goods can be loaded (usually with historical significance) Alternate Terms: | · · · · · | MARINE ROCK Definition: An isolated large mass of stone surrounded by the sea that is usually above water for part of the day. Alternate Terms: Offshore Rock | · · · · · | MOUNTAIN Definition: A named markedly elevated landform having a high point called a peak or summit. Alternate Terms: Hill, Peak, Summit | · · · · · · | PASS Definition: A named gap in a range of mountains or hills permitting easier passage from one side to the other side. Alternate Terms: Gap | · · · · · · | PLAIN Definition: A broad, flat expanse of land. Alternate Terms: | · · · · · | POCKET Definition: Pocket – A named area of land within the bend of a river. Alternate Terms: | · · · · | TERRESTRIAL ROCK Definition: An isolated rock formation or a monolith either on land or in an inland waterbody. Alternate Terms: Boulder, Crag, Outcrop, Rock formation | · · · · · |
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