Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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titleCapture Process:




Definition: The line where the land meets a designated waterbody area on the mainland, and on marine or terrestrial islands.


Alternate Terms:


  • Automatically generated from the associated waterbody areas.

  • Capture as a 2D polyline

  • Shorelines do no cross other shorelines e.g., where two watercourse area features meet, the common line is called a Feature Type “Shoreline Junction”.

  • Shorelines are not captured coincident with a Feature Type “Dam Wall Major”

  • Shorelines are not captured when coincident with a Feature Type “Coastline Junction”





Definition: The artificial line between two adjoining waterbody areas.


Alternate Terms:




  •  Automatically generated from the associated waterbody areas

  • Capture as a 2D polyline

  • No “Shoreline Junction” Feature Type is captured when coincident with a “Coastline Junction” Feature Type

  • The attribute Junction Code is determined by the Upper_scale value of the associated Shoreline feature. See Codes

  • Where two waterbody areas meet and they have a different Upper_scale value, the Junction Code of both features will be the larger Junction Code. e.g., if a 1:1 000 000 waterbody areas meets meet a 1:25 000 waterbody area, the Junction Code of both features will be 4.

  • No Shoreline Junction feature is shown between two waterbody areas that have the same Upper_scale value.

