Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • Water refers to the State's network of both natural and constructed water features, ensuring data represents their extent, position, and primary characteristics for informative display and reference.

This theme includes the following feature classes:


titleCapture Process:




Definition: The line where the land meets a designated waterbody area on the mainland, and on marine or terrestrial islands.


Alternate Terms:


  • Automatically generated from the associated waterbody areas.

  • Capture as a 2D polyline

  • Shorelines do no cross other shorelines e.g., where two watercourse area features meet, the common line is called a Feature Type “Shoreline Junction”.

  • Shorelines are not captured coincident with a Feature Type “Dam Wall Major”

  • Shorelines are not captured when coincident with a Feature Type “Coastline Junction”





Definition: The artificial line between two adjoining waterbody areas.


Alternate Terms:




  •  Automatically generated from the associated waterbody areas

  • Capture as a 2D polyline

  • No “Shoreline Junction” Feature Type is captured when coincident with a “Coastline Junction” Feature Type

  • The attribute Junction Code is determined by the Upper_scale value of the associated Shoreline feature. See Codes

image-20241021-222209.pngImage Added
  • Where two waterbody areas meet and they have a different Upper_scale value, the Junction Code of both features will be the larger Junction Code. e.g., if a 1:1 000 000 waterbody areas meets a 1:25 000 waterbody area, the Junction Code of both features will be 4.

  • No Shoreline Junction feature is shown between two waterbody areas that have the same Upper_scale value.

