Watercourse Lines |
A polyline feature class displaying the location of the channel of natural, constructed, and artificial watercourse lines. |
Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints |
FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: Connector DEM Connector Underground Connector Watercourse | dm_watercourse_ line |
ORIGIN | No | Text | 15 | Indicates whether the feature is Constructed, Natural or Artificial. Artificial features have no relationship to real or visible objects but are to assist in spatial analysis, polygon construction and automated mapping. Options: Artificial Constructed Natural | dm_water_origin |
FUNCTION | Yes | Text | 30 | Indicates what the function of the feature is. Options: The feature type is a Connector and is Artificial Linear Connection The feature type is a DEM Connector and is Artificial Linear Connection The feature type is an Underground Connector and is Artificial (through natural seepage) Linear Connection The feature type is an Underground Connector and is Constructed (through pipes) Linear Connection The feature type is a Watercourse and is Constructed Canal Line Culvert Drain Irrigation Line Spillway Line Water Supply Line The feature type is a Watercourse and is Natural Rapids Line Natural Watercourse | dm_watercourse_ line_function |
NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | |
ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank. | |
QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | |
ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | If the feature is named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data from which the features name has been obtained. If the feature is not named, the attribute_source is the source imagery, map, or data used to define what the feature type is. | |
ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data used for attributing the feature. | |
ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | The feature may be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple additional names can be shown and separated by a comma. | |
ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | |
FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | |
FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the feature source information that the location of the feature was obtained from. | |
PERENNIALITY | Yes | Text | 15 | An indicator as to the temporal continuity of flow of a waterbody. Options: Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial Near Perennial Unknown Not Applicable | dm_perenniality |
HIERARCHY | Yes | Text | 10 | An attribute defining the Importance of a hydrographic feature in relation to the entire hydrographic network: Options: Minor Major | dm_hierarchy |
DRAINAGE_BASIN | No | Text | 50 | The name of the drainage basin that the feature is situated in. | |
STREAM_ORDER | Yes | Short | | Features classified with an UPPER_SCALE of 1:100 000 and above are stream ordered based on the Strahler method. NULL means the feature is not part of the stream ordered network. | dm_stream_order |
PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | |
UFI | NO | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | |
CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | |
LAST_EDITED_DATE* | Yes | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | |
ASS_WTRBDY_UPPSCALE | Yes | Long | | Not for general use. The Upper Scale of the waterbody associated with an artificial feature. Used to derive multiscale datasets that can be delivered through Open Data or as a web service from the one source dataset. | dm_upper_scale |
DIMENSION_M | No | Double | | The length of the feature measured in metres GDA2020 | |
UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale |
TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. If the feature has no name, then transfer its stated function (typed in lower case) into this field e.g. canal line drain irrigation line rapids spillway water supply line | |
ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |