Buildings and settlements are integral components of human geography and urban planning. They refer to the constructed infrastructure and human habitation areas in a geographical area.
A point feature class displaying the named main residence (homestead) and any named outstations on rural properties in Queensland.
An automatically derived subset of data from Building points and areas
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
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Homesteads | A point feature class displaying the named main residence (homestead) and any named outstations on rural properties in Queensland. An automatically derived subset of data from Building points and areas | Column Name | Nulls | Format | Size | Description | Constraints | FEATURE_TYPE | No | Text | 50 | Unique feature type that identifies the type of feature. Options: · Homestead · Outstation | dm_homestead | NAME | No | Text | 100 | The name of the feature (if available) | | ALTERNATE_NAME | Yes | Text | 100 | An alternate name of the feature if available from the Queensland Place Names Database, otherwise left blank | | QLD_PNDB_ID | Yes | Long | | Queensland Place Names Database unique identifier | | ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source map, or data where the name of the feature was obtained. | | ATTRIBUTE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source map, or data where the name of the feature (if available) was obtained. | | ADDITIONAL_NAMES | Yes | Text | 100 | Other names of the feature if not recorded in the Queensland Place Names Database. May be commonly known by other names or have different spelling. Multiple names can be shown, separated by a comma. | | ADD_NAMES_SOURCE | Yes | Text | 100 | The source map or data that the additional names were obtained. Multiple sources can be shown, separated by a comma. If multiple sources are shown, the written sequence will be the same as the written sequence of the names themselves. | | FEATURE_SOURCE | No | Text | 100 | The source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | | FEATURE_DATE | No | Date | | Date of the source imagery, map, or data that the spatial location of the feature was obtained from. | | OPERATIONAL_STATUS | No | Text | 30 | The operation status of the building. Options: · Abandoned · Historic · Operational · Non Operational · Ruin | dm_building_ status | PFI | No | Text | 15 | A Persistent Feature Identifier (PFI) is generated for each feature at the point of creation in the database. The value of the PFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) until the feature is retired. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | UFI | No | Text | 15 | A Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) is generated for each new feature at the point of creation in the database (at this point the PFI and UFI will be the same). The value of the UFI will stay with the feature through all changes to the feature (both spatial and non-spatial) unless the feature is split into multiple other parts. If the feature is split, the separate parts will retain the original PFI but new UFI’s will be generated for the split parts. (See Persistent and Unique Feature Identifiers) | | CREATED_DATE* | No | Date | | The date the feature was originally captured and first loaded to the database *internal use only | | LAST_EDITED_DATE* | No | Date | | Date of the last editing or revision to the feature *internal use only | | UPPER_SCALE | No | Long | | The upper scale for which the feature should be considered suitable for digital display | dm_upper_scale | TEXT_NOTE | Yes | Text | 50 | For mapping purposes. Additional annotation that can be shown on a map. | | ADD_INFORMATION | Yes | Text | 255 | A comment field (additional information) | |
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title | Feature Type definitions: |
Homestead – The named main residence on a rural property. Outstation – A subsidiary homestead or other dwelling on a rural property which is large enough to have more than one day’s travel between different parts of the property.
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Abandoned –Devoid of function or purpose Historic – Building or structure of historic value. Operational – Working and current Non-Operational – Proposed or planned, or alternatively no longer current. Ruin – In various states of disrepair or decay
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Individual features may not agree with the following specifications to improve mapping legibility. |
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HOMESTEAD Definition: The named main residence on a rural property. Alternate Terms: | · Capture as a 2D point at the centre of the feature. · The location of the feature is plotted from orthorectified imagery · The Homestead location can be obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset and Spatial Cadastre check. · Locations can be obtained from address details, existing mapping, organisation, Government websites or other source material. | OUTSTATION Definition: A subsidiary homestead or other dwelling on a rural property which is large enough to have more than one day’s travel between different parts of the property. Alternate Terms: | · Capture as a 2D point at the centre of the feature. · The location of the feature is plotted from orthorectified imagery · The Homestead location can be obtained from Queensland Place Names dataset and Spatial Cadastre check. · Locations can be obtained from other dataset, existing mapping, organisation, Government websites or other source material. |
Population Centres
A point feature class displaying a significant place where there is permanent human habitation, infrastructure across the State of Queensland.