Non tile-cached (https://spatial-qld-resources-spatial-datasupport.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/img/pages/62587288/Glossary#Tile-cached )
elevation service
ESRI proprietary ArcGIS Server web service that serves elevation imagery via a 32-bit mosaic dataset to allow for height values and rendering rules to be applied on the service.
Refer to https://www.techopedia.com/definition/4106/single-sign-on-sso
See https://spatial-qld-resources-spatial-datasupport.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/img/pages/62587288/Glossary#Tile-cached
A tile_cache stores a collection of images/tiles at various scales. A client can request the tiles needed to display a particular map extent faster than a dynamic service can. A service tile_cache can be disabled in ESRI clients so that the service becomes dynamic